
发布时间:2023-04-30 10:31:53 阅读:189 点赞:0

关于”在农场“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:On the farm。以下是关于在农场初一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:On the farm

This morning, my fend Jack and I went to a farm. We met at the school gate. Then we went to a bus stop and went to the farm by bus.

When we arved at the farm, we were warmly welcomed. The owner of the farm was very fendly. He showed us nd the farm.

We saw a lot of fruits, vegetables and sheep. We were very happy to have an outdoor picnic. After dinner, we sang, danced, told jokes and told stoes.

What a happy day Jack.




My family I love my family, becse I have a happy family. My mother's job is that she is a teacher. Yes, you are ght.

My mother is very kind and kind. She is 37 years old. My mother always works hard.

I love my parents. On Satdays and Sundays, I often go to the library and play the piano. My mother sometimes goes shopping and we watch TV at home Music I love my family becse I'm happy to live with my parents.




Fiona Di Fiona took us to her fend's farm. The farm was so big that it was a bit like how we milked on the Mongolian steppe. I knew that when milking, the fingers could not move up and down.

I held up the hands and pinched the nipples. After the milk came out, I followed the farmers' demonstration, and the shiny white milk was sprayed out of the nipples. I faced a splashing rexran After that, Rex also be to learn how to squeeze.

Who knows something interesting happened. He just held out a hand, and the cow be to unate, which made you lgh. It can be used to descbe that we were completely defeated on the farm.

I fed the heifer BB with a bottle, and it pulled the bottle over. The farm poultry, cattle, sheep, chicken, duck, pig were also very nghty. I held the rabbit in my hand Today, I visited the farm and enjoyed the natal bety of Australia.



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