
发布时间:2023-03-16 06:45:58 阅读:88 点赞:0

关于”选择私企好处“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Benefits of choosing pvate enterpses。以下是关于选择私企好处xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of choosing pvate enterpses

The new semester has begun, I have a lot of plans for the new semester. I want to get high marks, so I have to look up the new words in the dictionary and review my lessons ry night. I want to keep fit, so I have to get off the bus one stop ahead of time, walk home ry day and jog.

I also want to impve my English ll, so I'm going to listen to English songs and cover Chinese suitles when watching English pgrams. In the end, I will become stnger, so I will take part in sports, I will win the swimming competition, so I will practice swimming harder. I think I will make great pgress in the new semester.





About the telephone dictionary, many people use it to look up words. I know it's very convenient. We can put it in o bag or pocket.

We can take it anywhere. In addition, many telephone dictionaes have many other functions. For example, we can wte down the timetable in it, and store some important information in it, such as the address of fends.

On the other hand, we may rely on the telephone dictionary, that is, when we encounter a new word in reading, we will refer to it without thinking So it makes us lazy.




Tou is a oke-free industry. With the implementation of the policy of reform and opening up, thousands of forei tousts have poed into China. They are eager to see this mysteous ancient country with a long culte.

As a form of enterpse, tou has bught a lot of benefits to China. In terms of economy, it is conducive to China's economic dlopment. We know that China's modernization needs and forei exchange.

Tou is one of the most important channels to oain money. Secondly, tou enables Chinese people to have a better understanding of the outside world, and foreiers who have visited China have a better understanding of China's la dlopment and dlopment The fendship and hospitality of o people are impressive. Visitors to China report that most Chinese are polite and ful to them.

Obviously, tou has made a great contbution to them. The fendship and mutual understanding beeen the Chinese people and the people all over the world have pduced some pblems. For example, it has become a bden on the effective transportation of o country.

The living standard of ordinary Chinese people is not enough to cover the expenses of long-distance travel. Therefore, there are still many obstacles in the dlopment of tou in China Obstruction.




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