
发布时间:2024-01-10 05:44:16 阅读:744 点赞:0

关于”邀请别人去远足“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Invite others to go hiking。以下是关于邀请别人去远足初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invite others to go hiking

Dear, the Spng Festival holiday is coming. Do you have any holiday plans? I want to watch a movie with you. You know, we haven't seen each other for a long time.

When we were in middle school, I missed you very much. We were all interested in movies. You don't remember the wonderful time we spent together.

If you are free, please call me. I can't wait to see you. My phone number is wtten in today, XX.




I went hiking with my clasates on Sunday. The destination is Zhongshan Park. The weather was very good, we were in a good mood, we bught some food and some useful things, when we arved at the park, we were very excited, so we climbed the ad to the top of the mountain, we thought it was very interesting, but after a peod of time, we felt a little tired, so we stopped to have lunch, delicious food, apples, fruits, n sweets.

After a good lunch, we continued o joney, and we soon reached the top of the mountain. When we got to the foot of the mountain, we played some interesting s in the park, such as crzai mouse, shooting . When the sun goes down, we really enjoy it coming back.

Hiking is so interesting that I will nr forget it.



吃完一顿丰盛午餐后,我们继续我们旅行,我们很快就到达了山顶。我们到达山脚下后,我们在公园里玩一些有趣游戏,比如Crzay Mouse,击游戏。当太阳落山时候,我们非常享受它回来,徒步旅行太有趣了,我永远不会忘记它。


The Olympic Games the Olympic Games were held in for the first time, with a history of than 1000 years. Every fo years, many countes are trying to bid for the Olympic Games. Every country tes to win medals in Sydney.

The foth Olympic Games were held in than 100 countes in the world. The whole world participated in the s. In that year, we won the gold medal.

China, a big sports country, will host the 10th Olympic Games. People fm all walks of life are taking part in all kinds of activities Move and prepare for it. There are five ngs on the flag of the Olympic Games, which are regarded as the symbol of the five continents of Eupe, Asia and Afca.

The motto of the Olympic Games in Australia and the United States is "faster, higher, stnger". The Olympic Games can pmote the understanding and fendship beeen different nationalities.




标签: 留学英文名  女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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