
发布时间:2022-10-08 04:24:03 阅读:549 点赞:0

关于”介绍“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Intduction to Van Gogh。以下是关于介绍高一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to Van Gogh

Starry night is the work of Van Gogh, a post impressionist painter. There is a stng brushwork in this painting. The main color of blue in the oil painting represents an unpleasant and gloomy feeling.

The heavy brush stkes mean sadness. The scene in the painting is a scene looking out of the window. The tree in the painting is a cypress tree, but it is drawn like a black tongue of fire, straight to the clouds.

What makes people uneasy is that the texte of the sky is like a Whirlpool Galaxy with many stars The moon appears in the whole painting as a dim eclipse, and the village at the bottom is drawn as a straight line, short and short, showing a kind of tranquility. Howr, in this highly exaggerated deformation and stng visual contrast, it forms a stng contrast with the ugh cve on the upper part, which reflects the artist's uneasy feeling and illusory image world https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/png/0.




Vincent Wilhelm Van Gogh is a Dutch post impressionist painter fm March to July. His works have a pfound impact on the art of the centy becse of its vivid color and emotional influence. He suffered fm anxiety and increasingly frequent mental illness all his life.

He died of self mutilated gunshot wounds when he was old. He was rarely appreciated before his death. In the years after his death, his reputation grew.

He is widely regarded as one of the grea painters in history and an important contbutor to the foundation of modern art. Van Gogh did not begin painting until he was in his enties. Most of his most famous works were d in his last o years.

His works are not only works of art, including painting, sketch and sketch. Although he was little known in his lifetime, his works have had a great impact on modernist art. Now many of his works, including his numeus self portraits, landscape paintings, portraits and sunflowers, are one of the most famous and expensive works of art in the world.





Vincent started a lot of work before he became an artist. He was with his family. He moved to Pas and France joined theo.

Theo intduced Vincent to many painters. They lived in Pas. Gguin didn't seem to like anything Van Gogh did in Arles.

They argued a lot about Gguin's decision to leave Van Gogh. He became so angry that he cut off his ear and painted many other paintings before he shot himself. Two days later, Arles died.



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