
发布时间:2024-03-23 15:06:33 阅读:35 点赞:0

关于”我想和你交朋友“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:I want to make fends with you。以下是关于我想和你交朋友高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I want to make fends with you

How does the winter vacation plan go? Unconsciously, the next winter vacation is coming. In order to impve myself and enjoy a happy holiday, I made a winter vacation plan. First of all, I want to continue my study.

I think learning is a pcess of life. So no matter what kind of situation I am in, I have bought sral new books, including my major books and some novels After reading these books dung the holidays, I will share them with my family and fends. The Spng Festival is coming soon.

I beli I will chat and play s. I think I will spend the holiday with my fends and family.




In my opinion, college life is to enjoy yoself and realize yo dreams. The university cculum is flexible, which gives students free time. Some students spend it in the library and read books.

Their learning ambition is so high that they sit down as soon as the library door opens. But many people prefer to do something else to relax, such as playing the zither, an ancient Chinese musical instrument. As o students gw older, we can open it With this ght, most of us work part-time as tutors to earn some pocket money.

A all number of capable students will get enough money thugh teaching to be self-sufficient. Fends are satiied with the workload. Although they admit that as students pgress, teaching will make them confident, but teachers will feel happy.

Love story is an indispensable part of campus life. Although it may bng happiness and pain, many people can't looking for true love. I'm a loyal fan of Korean actors.

BYJ is a Korean movie star. Chinese girls were crazy last winter. Even BYJ's scarf has become a trend I learned fo ways to wear a scarf.

Of cose, I imitated his hairstyle, but to be honest, I had some difficulties in getting my hair in the ght shape. But for a college student, the most important thing should be to study when I was a freshman. One of o instructors told us to make good use of the best teachers in college, and make se that when you graduate, you should make good use of the best teachers There's a big difference beeen them, and for those who haven't been to school, he said, I've been impressed by the advice and I've been learning.

Campus life is . It's about finding yo own poties, being part of a team, and working towards interesting and creative goals.





For some people, it's easy to make new fends in school, bee they are cheerful, but for others, it seems difficult to make fends here first. Only when you are positive and outgoing will you become positive and outgoing. Others will want to talk with you, then make fends with you and cultivate some interests.

When you have common interests, people will be easier to make fends To new fends. They can pvide topi for discussion. Third, be a good listener.

Let others talk about yoself before you talk about yoself. When yo fend is in tuble, try to them, bee the fend in need is the real fend.



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