
发布时间:2023-06-15 01:05:57 阅读:444 点赞:0

关于”文化遗产及保护“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Cultal hetage and ptection。以下是关于文化遗产及保护高一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cultal hetage and ptection

It is equally important to ptect the intangible cultal hetage such as the great wall and the Forbidden City, as well as the intangible cultal hetage such as Beijing Opera and Conian etiquette. We should try o best to ptect the intangible cultal hetage, becse the intangible cultal hetage does not exist. According to the UNESCO Convention for the ptection of intangible cultal hetage, they are facing greater sk of extinction and all forms of social habits Customs and customs, folklore, performing arts, tuals, oral traditions, festivals, traditional crafts and vaous knowledge and practices related to nate and the universe can be classified as intangible culte.

China is a multi-ethnic country with a long history and civilization and ch and colorful intangible cultal hetage. Cultal hetage connects modern people with history and enables them to gain cultal and histocal identity without cultal hetage. We will become otless, and we will find it difficult to meet crent and fute challenges.

Howr, the pcess of modernization poses a gwing threat to the intangible hetage. Many people blindly beli in the la electnic equipment, and it is sad to see the death of the elderly who have these hetages. Instead of passing them on to the younger generation facing these challenges, we should ptect and renew o ancestral hetage so that we can contbute to and contbute to the cultal diversity of the world Retning to o spitual home in the age of non-mateal science and technolo, Conian etiquette tes its best to ptect intangible cultal hetage, which is faced with great sks.

Convention for the ptection of intangible cultal hetage oral traditional handicraft ethnic diversity long history and civilization culte and histocal identity to meet the crent and fute challenges blindly beli in the diversity of ancestral culte Objective science and technolo in the era of spitual home.




The concept of cultal hetage can be divided into mateal cultal hetage, intangible cultal hetage and cultal hetage, including mateal cultal hetage and intangible cultal hetage. Intangible cultal hetage refers to the mateal cultal hetage which starts fm the second Satday in June ry year as the Chinese cultal hetage day. It refers to the traditional cultal manifestations of vaous generations of intangible existence and people's life closely related It includes ancient sites, ancient to, ancient architectal structes, gtto temples, stone carvings, mals, modern important histocal sites, immovable hetage representing modern architecte, history, pnting and dyeing era, works of art, literary works, manuscpts, books and other movable hetages and their buildings, as well as histocal and cultal cities (blocks, towns, intangible cultal hetage, including oral tradition, cultal hetage, etc.) Traditional performing arts, folk customs, tuals, festivals, etc.) have the homogeneity or integration of landscape with outstanding universal value, the nate and universe of traditional folk knowledge and practice, traditional handicraft skills, and the expression forms of traditional culte and related cultal .




Cultal hetage is a very important resoce. It is an important way to understand ancient civilization and an important resoce to study human civilization. Cultal hetage is an important indicator of national dlopment and an important reference for the study of other animals and plants that distinguish ethnic or regional differences.

Remains and other hetages have a better understanding of the history of human body structe and better understand their understanding of natal hetage, So that we can realize the difference beeen the present and the ancient times, realize that they have csed great damage to the envinment on this planet, and call on people to ptect the earth. Of cose, there are ancient buildings there. All of these let us have insight into the incomparable wisdom of o ancestors and achi success in life.

In short, cultal hetage has an indelible impact on the dlopment of , and we should ptect it To actively repair the damaged hetage of human civilization and contbute to dlopment.



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