关于学术诚信的英语作文_Academic integrity 3篇

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关于”学术诚信“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Academic integty。以下是关于学术诚信托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Academic integty

Note: in this section, you can wte a composition about academic plagia according to the Chinese syllabus given below. You should wte at least one word, but not than one word. Some teachers plagiaze other people's academic papers in order to graduate oothly, and some college students plagiaze others' graduation theses.

All have their own reasons, and academic plagia is no exception. First of all, university thoties place too much emphasis on papers while awarding degrees. Secondly, modern technolo makes it possible to oain information and mateals easily than r.

Some plagiasts are morally corrupt and unable to resist and decide to take sks. Thirdly, the censorship and punishment s are far fm stct enough, which encoages plagia to a certain extent. On the one hand, plagia cses many adverse consequences It is unfair to teachers and students who do not plagiaze if they violate the ghts of the oginal thor.

On the other hand, plagia may spread negative ideas and ntually damage the reputation of the University. Therefore, I suggest that the university thoties should not regard the paper as the only standard for evaluating teachers and students, and should implement a stct examination and punishment .




Honesty means to tell the truth, to be an honest and upght person, to lie and cheat is to be honest. Dishonest people do not rely on hard work but get ch in other ways. Honesty is a good virtue.

If you are honest all the time, you will be trusted and respected by others. Liars are always looked down upon and regarded as black sheep becse you lie, n if you tell the truth, people will nr beli you. Howr, in today's commodity economy, it seems that and people beli in money and sacfice honesty, such as health, bety, money, wisdom, honesty, reputation and talent.

Honesty is the only thing that can be forgotten. They do not understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the grea wealth of and the prerequisite for doing rything well. I think these people are compassionate.





Nowadays, the pblem of academic plagia is becoming and seous. Some teachers plagiaze other people's academic papers in order to graduate oothly, and some college students plagiaze other people's graduation theses for vaous reasons. First, the competent departments of colleges and universities put too much emphasis on academic plagia.

Second, modern technolo makes it easier to oain information and mateals than r before, and some corrupt plagiasts can't resist it Third, the review and punishment is far fm stct enough to encoage plagia to a certain extent. On the one hand, plagia violates the ghts of the oginal thor and is unfair to teachers and students who do not plagiaze. On the other hand, plagia may spread negative ideas and ntually damage the reputation of the University.

Therefore, I suggest that the school should not regard the paper as the only standard for evaluating teachers and students And implement a stngent of review and punishment.



标签: 宠物英文名 

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