
发布时间:2023-02-03 05:10:28 阅读:140 点赞:0

关于”胜利并不是全部“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Victory is not all。以下是关于胜利并不是全部托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Victory is not all

"Pnciples of natal philosophy", which may be the most important book in the history of physical science, Newton not only put forward the theory of how objects move in and time, but also dloped the complex mathemati needed to yze the motion. In addition, Newton also pposed laws.




Last week, o school held a sports meeting. I was very excited becse I took part in the meter run. When I heard the gunshot, I be to run.

At first, I kept the of my uniform. I planned to run fast in the last meter, but I felt too tired. I wanted to give up.

Then my desire to win made me persist until the end. I was so pud.




Adversity can also bng success. As a famous saying goes, life is a box of chocolates. You will nr know what it is.

At any time, most of us, all of us are looking forward to success and pspety. Howr, you may be at a loss and extremely disappointed becse you bear seemingly endless pain for yoself. This is called faile and most real loss Losers are frustrated with their career pspects, but most of the ultimate winners remain calm until they finally reach the goal they want.

In the eyes of success, adversity does not necessaly mean faile. On the contrary, they beli that adversity is the tning point fm faile to success. In addition, for succesul people, they firmly beli that adversity can cultivate a stnger mind than r before, which is very important for the final success.

Once those losers adhere to their goals, no matter what kind of adversity and obstacles they encounter, will they enjoy success.




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