
发布时间:2022-11-07 16:14:04 阅读:97 点赞:0

关于”最热门题目“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The hot topic。以下是关于最热门题目中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The hot topic

http://zhongzxxkcom/Article/html Dear mayor: I am a middle school student. I am wting to tell you that there are many left behind children nd us. Their parents are working in other places.

Most of them are ral people. Do you know that they have many pblems. They are always lonely and stressed bee they lack the love of their parents.

They are easy to make mistakes In my opinion, the government can set up parents' schools for these children on holidays. You can orize "Handan Han" activities, call on people to them, and you can also raise money to donate to these children. As the song says, "if ryone gives their love, the world will live." The world will be better.

". If we pay attention to these children, it is very important for us to sincerely send o best wishes to you, Li Hua.




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In recent years, studying abad is very popular. Tens of thousands of Chinese students study abad one after another. Many people are trying to apply for studying abad.

Studying abad first has many advantages. Forei students can play an intermediary le beeen people of different cultes. Second, we can learn advanced scientific and technological knowledge fm forei countes.

Third, we can learn forei languages faster The students are too young to live alone without any life expeence. In addition, they may feel lonely and homesick bee they are far away fm home. Of cose, cost is today's topic.

I entered the "today's topic" website. I am very interested in the report that the use of mobile phones is phibited in high school campuses. In fact, and students come to school with mobile phones.

My clasates have different opinions. Some people think it is convenient to contact others with mobile phones, which also makes you feel particularly safe. In addition, enjoy the vaous kinds of mobile phones The function is also good.

People first have different ideas. In school, mobile phones are not necessary bee there are some IC mobile phones. It is easy to call others.

Many people often use mobile phones to play video s and send short messages. Even in class, in my opinion, mobile phones are a useful tool in o daily life, but this does not mean that we can be in school Free use, is this the only way to go to college.



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