
发布时间:2023-07-12 05:43:19 阅读:250 点赞:0

关于”圆明园风景“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Yuanminuan scenery。以下是关于圆明园风景xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Yuanminuan scenery

Fubian city was built fm to. It is located in the center of Beijing, the highest symbol of power in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Empers of all ages lived in Fubian city.

Now it is the best preserved palace in the world and is open to people as a palace. You can go to Tian'anmen Square by bus or subway. The Palace Museum is located in the North Square.

The summer palace is a summer vacation garden for empers and their families. It is located kilometers northwest of Beijing. The resort is famous for the Jin Dynasty.

You will see the most famous Chinese classical garden style in southern China. The whole garden covers an area of hectares, including a large area of lakes and mountains. You can get off here by subway line 4.

Now there are only ruins left for us to visit. But many people know that the Yuanminuan is the most betiful garden in ancient times. It includes a large garden and many precious cultal reli.

The garden is now only ruins. It has been looted by the eight countes, most of the treases have been bbed by them, and the things that can't be moved are bned down. To the summer palace, you can take the subway at the same station to the summer palace.





The Old Summer Palace is located in the western subb of Haidian Distct, Beijing. It is adjacent to the summer palace. It was built ding the rei of Emper Kangxi (the Old Summer Palace, Changc Garden and Yic garden) have many garden landscapes, with a building area of about square meters.

It is a large Impeal Palace Museum built and operated by the Qing emper for many years. "Garden Garden Garden" is called October. The Old Summer Palace was looted and bned by Btish and French tops The incident became a disgrace page in modern Chinese history.




Located on the west side, the eastern side of Old Summer Palace in Haidian Distct, oginally used as the Yu Garden of the Qing Dynasty, occupies an area of about Mu, and has elet layout, similar to the Ming Dynasty and the Old Summer Palace spng of Changc. The red city occupies as large as the palace architecte. The water and Old Summer Palace are a palaces garden with the charactesti of the Jianan gardens.

It has the essence of China's ancient garden art, and the garden art and poetic fusion are three. The Yuanminuan Garden is the palace of the Southern Distct. It is the rest of the scenic spots formally pcessed by the emper.

There are many scenic spots directly copied fm it. For example, the West Lake landscape garden in Hangzhou has only than ten imitations and some copies. What's interesting is that the Yuanminuan is the most famous "wonder" in the western garden scenic area.

It is a western style fountain, a maze of flowers and a circle of thousands of miles, which is meaningful Dali Renaissance style lake is a model city, the emper sitting outside the city wall can enjoy the mountain scenery "water town", summer is a real trease pass, famous calligraphy and painting, Bifu sword classic, tpod utensils, gold and silver jewelry, precious ancient culte essence, is also a kind of rare wood flowers, the garden is full of exotic flowers and plants, Westerners have witnessed the Yuanminuan, she called it "thousands of thousands" ”It is true that today, and many years ago, this nine to five garden is worthy of being the king of gardens in the "world". The Btish coalition forces and the Old Summer Palace have united, and the o looted and bned architectal reli have been looted. The aculous and mythical Yuanminuan has become ruins, only for human use, and the building is in deep dilapidated condition.



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