
发布时间:2023-03-28 03:43:05 阅读:173 点赞:0

关于”动物园规矩“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Zoo rules。以下是关于动物园规矩初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Zoo rules

I went to the zoo on Sunday morning. My parents took me to the zoo. We didn't go there for a long time last week.

My clasates told me that the zoo added some interesting entertainment facilities. I was very cious, so I asked my parents to take me there. They pmised us to arve there at o'clock.

There were many people, most of them parents and children. We went to see my favote animal part, and then watched the animal show The elephant, tiger, lion and monkey gave us a wonderful performance. People were very happy, especially the children after us.

We went to the entertainment facilities. My mother was too afraid to be with us, so only my father and I had a very exciting time, but I was a little dizzy. I was very happy that this was a great day.




Jane and her mother go to the zoo on Sunday. They see a lot of animals. She and her mother watch elephants, lions and tigers.

Some animals are good, some are ugly, the same animals are hot. Jane has a good time. She likes the animals very much ♀♀ On Sunday, Jane went to the zoo with her mother, Nan chopps.

On Sunday, the sun was warm. Jane wore betiful clothes and went to the zoo with her mother. They saw many kinds of animals.

They enjoyed elephants, pandas, lions, tigers, etc. Jane found some lovely, some ugly, some afraid, and some fendly with these animals. Jane felt very happy becse she liked them animal.



简玩得很开心,她很喜欢那些动物♀♀ :周简和南乔普斯一起去动物园:星期天,阳光和煦,简穿着漂亮衣服跟着去了动物园,他们看到了很多种类动物,他们很欣赏大象、熊猫、狮子、老虎等,简发现有些可爱,有些丑陋,有些害怕,和这些动物有些友好,简觉得很高兴,因为她喜欢动物。


Going to the zoo today is Sunday. My parents are free. I get up at 7 o'clock becse my family is going to go to the zoo after breakfast.

I went to the station with my parents with my camera. When we arved at the zoo, it was already 9 o'clock. There were so many monkeys, tigers, lions, wolves and other animals in the zoo.

We took a lot of pictes with the animals in the zoo. I would pnt these photos and look at them in my class. Time passed too fast.

We left the zoo at 1:00 p.m. today, I am very happy, now I feel very tired, I'm going to bed early tonight.



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