
发布时间:2023-05-24 06:14:38 阅读:137 点赞:0

关于”介绍地点“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Intduction location。以下是关于介绍地点初中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction location

In the summer vacation, I took part in the toi activities ozed by my father's unit. In this activity, I stepped on Changbai Mountain and saw what people often call "faiand on earth". In the early morning, we came to the betiful little Tianchi of Changbai Mountain.

The lake was like a r, the Buddha statues in the breeze, the flowers, trees and cks were all reflected in the ppling green waves of Tianchi At eight o'clock, we de to see the Changbai Mountain in Tianchi, and the car dve along the winding wheels of Changbai Mountain. I sat in the evacuation seat, holding the landscape map of Changbai Mountain in my hand. "I really want to fly there in a hry on the wing, looking out the world-famous Changbai Mountain world, one after another The car in the pine forest soon came to the edge of Tianchi.

Aund the Tianchi of Changbai Mountain, there are 16 lofty love peaks, like 16 giant peaks of a statue, some are like blue line pagodas, and some are stang at Lei wengchen. We left Tianchi and went to the foot of Changbai Mountain to see the watell. It was like a silver bbon ang down fm the toweng mountains.

The ar was deafening I can't think of the worship poem of a great poet in the Tang Dynasty: "the watell is 3000 feet, it is suspected that the Milky way has fallen nine days." I stood by the Tianchi Lake of Changbai Mountain and was fascinated by this faiand. I really want to shout: "I love this faiand, I love it The motherland, perform well ".




The great wall of China is a fortification built in China fm the 5th centy to the beginning of the 20th centy. In order to ptect the dynasties fm attacks by Huns, Mongols, Tks and other nomadic tbes fm modern Mongolia and Manchia, sral great walls, also known as the great wall of China, were built by the first emper of China beeen and The Great Wall built by the first emper of Qin Dynasty is located fther north than the Great Wall built in the Ming Dynasty, and has hardly been preserved. The great wall of China was oginally a pject of the Qin Dynasty, which was desied to block the nomadic Huns fm the northern invaders.

Some of the great walls were built ding the Qin Dynasty, but most of the great walls we see today were built in the Ming Dynasty. The Great Wall is the longest man-made building in the world. It stretches for sral kilometers fm the shanhaikou in the eastern Bohai Sea.

On the border beeen "China's native land" and Manchia (fm the northeast to Lop N in the southeast of Xinjiang Uyg Autonomous Region), it ughly delimits the boundary beeen the Great Wall of North China and Inner Mongolia, which is the pde of the Chinese people.



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