
发布时间:2022-11-28 15:55:04 阅读:146 点赞:0

关于”饺子馆“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Dumpling restrant。以下是关于饺子馆初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Dumpling restrant

Although there are vaous dishes in China, I like dumplings. Dumplings are a gloous aspect of Chinese culte and represent the collective spit of the nation. Chinese people always eat dumplings, meat and vegetables.

On the of the Spng Festival, this is a way to say goodbye to the new year. Dumplings are traditional Chinese food, but dumplings is not an easy thing. First of all, we should combine flo and vegetables When the dough is ready, we can start to make dumpling skins.

Roll the dough with a lling pin into a all, thin, und dough. When the dumplings are wrapped, it's time to prepare the stuffing. We use pork, beef and other meat, cabbage, leek and other vegetables as stuffing, and then put some salt, oil, pepper to stir, we can first make dumplings, put a spoon of stuffing in the middle of the dumplings, and then stick the o sides together, the size is the same, are hand-made, put the dumplings into boiling water, do not let the water bn too far, we often put the dumplings neatly on the tray Cook it three times.

They look like gold ingots. The package is thin, the stuffing is juicy, the meat is tender, delicious and not greasy at all. When we go on holiday together, the whole family can make dumplings.

When we sit together to make and eat dumplings, we can enjoy this exciting conversation and intimate atmosphere.






Some people start to make double dumplings when they are young. They may hide a coin in the dumplings. The person who finds the coin may have a big fortune in the new year.

Chinese dumpling is a kind of traditional Chinese food. Chinese dumpling is one of the most popular foods in Chinese new year, becse you can make all kinds of Chinese dumplings with different fillings according to yo taste. Chinese dumplings are one of the most important foods in the Chinese New Year.

The shape of Chinese dumplings is similar to the gold or silver ingots in ancient China. Chinese dumplings are a kind of delicious food, so most Chinese people know how to make dumplings. Chinese dumplings are popular in other festivals and festivals in China, so they are part of Chinese culte or tradition.

They symbolize wealth, tradition and Dung the new year, family members get together to make dumplings. Dumpling is really a team work, and usually all the family members work.





Take a look at the new centy dumpling restrant. The dumplings are very big and delicious. Now we have o very good specialties, vegetables, and only 6 yuan dumplings.

The special pce is only yuan. There are beef and vegetables. Welcome to the new centy dumpling restrant.

The address is Changjiang Road. The telephone number is.



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