
发布时间:2023-12-20 01:34:37 阅读:90 点赞:0

关于”皇帝新装“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The emper's new clothes。以下是关于皇帝新装初三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The emper's new clothes

There should be no "little emper"; on the way home this afternoon, I saw many people standing: at the gate of pmary school, I didn't know what they were doing at first, and then a gup of students came out of the school. People outside the door appached the students and called out "Lingling", "Fangfang", "Xiaohua" and other names. I know they came to see their children.

These children are very happy with other children like them, they are all like "Little Empers", which is not good at all. Children will become the builders of o country in the fute. There are so many things for them to learn in the fute, and many things will be done by them, which means that they should not be "all" empers.

On the contrary, they should be self reliant. They will do rything possible without the of their parents. The fute of o country will be in the hands of today's children, and they will become its s They should learn fm their parents' good habits and get d of their bad habits, becse their parents can't take care of them forr.





I remember when I was a child reading the emper's new clothes, which child who dared to tell the truth ed him. With the gwth of age, he was extremely brave. The he thought about it, the he thought about it, the he thought about it.

It was only when a fend said to me which child had no thought that it suddenly dawned on me that s (people with ideas) would not wear this paper and could not care about him. It was really a holiday. It was a mistake that no one could care about When the emper wears clothes, what they can care about is that they think they are honest people.

Even if they are not honest people, the present society has nr been performing the emper's new clothes at any time and place. Again and again, only standing children are less and less.




The Russian emper once raised money for the poor at a party in Pas. A very betiful French girl went to the emper to ask for a donation. He took out a 20 Franc coin and said with a ile, "Hello, this is for yo betiful eyes." The girl bowed and still held out her hand.

What do you want now Asked the emper. "Please buy something for the poor." The girl replied..





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