
发布时间:2023-03-07 09:42:36 阅读:94 点赞:0

关于”描写人讲解“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Descption of people。以下是关于描写人讲解专升英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Descption of people

My favote cartoon character my favote cartoon character is Aeolos, the golden saint of Sagitts in St. saiyair 5aeb. He has the destruction technolo called atomic tderbolt.

He is the golden saint of centenaans. He is the guardian of the Centennial Sagitts temple. He is the embodiment of artistic and moral excellence.

He is also Pope sagoloa's loyalty to and adation for his bther Athena So that he became Athena's successor and was fatally ht by Capcorn. He was deceived by Sakya and thought that he was a traitor. He ptected Athena at the cost of his own life, until finally, Es died in the shame of betrayal.

A few years later, Athena pufied the evil sanctuary of , and n after his death, his name was washed away by Athena. He continued to ptect Athena, and with the power of saya, he put on the golden cloth of Cents. In terble circumstances, for example, he fought with three silver saints, and finally with Poseidon and tanatos.

Finally, he resrected in the underworld and sacficed his life with the other golden saints. He is my he.




My mother has a pair of keen eyes. She can speak with her eyes. She observes my mood, gives me coage and makes me stng.

So when I learned to walk when I was a child, I could face difficulties. My mother always ed me and encoaged me to stand up. When I fell down, I finally fell into her arms.

Her eyes praised me with a ile. Later, I grew up and encountered difficulties It's hard, but when I'm depressed, my mother's eyes always give me hope and encoagement. Once I fail the exam, my mother encoages me to find out the reason instead of blaming me.

She pushes me to do better. Finally, I overcome the difficulties. Now I gw up and become independent.

But whenr I come, in frustration, no matter where I go, my mother's eyes are always with me I encoage me.




Srus Snape is JK Rowling Rowling is a fictional character in the first novel of the Harry Potter sees. He is hostile to Harry and is portrayed as a major opponent. Until the last chapter, Snape's le becomes hierarchical, and the complicated Rowling does not fully ral his details of true loyalty until the last book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is the last book Snape's image has evolved fm a vicious party teacher to a rather complex and morally ambiguous key fige.

Snape mainly teaches potions at Hogwarts, although in the sixth novel he tght the art of defense against darkness, which is well known, he hopes that in the whole , he will ntually become the head of Hogwarts. In the last novel, Rowling descbes him as "a character" The gift of.


西弗勒斯·斯内普(Srus Snape)是JK罗琳(JK Rowling)在哈利波特系列丛书第一部小说中一个虚构角,他对哈利怀有敌意,并被塑造成一个主要对手,直到最后一章,斯内普角变得更加层次化,复杂罗琳并没有完全揭示他细节真正忠诚直到最后一书《哈利波特与亡圣器》最后一书中,斯内普形象从一个恶毒党派教师演变成一个相当复杂和道德模糊关键人物,斯内普主要在霍格沃茨教药剂,尽管在第六部小说中他教过防御黑暗艺术,这是众所周知,他希望在整个系列,他最终成为霍格沃茨校长在最后一部小说罗琳形容他是“一个格礼物”。

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