
发布时间:2024-04-11 03:51:48 阅读:18 点赞:0

关于”我最喜欢历史朝代“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My favote histocal Dynasty。以下是关于我最喜欢历史朝代初中英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favote histocal Dynasty

O junior high school students, contact with some new coses of history is one of the subsidiary coses related to history, coupled with te learning of histocal nts, is to resume the class, we do not have to face history we do not like, but the appearance of the teacher, immediately bng you into the joy of the sea of history, where is a history lesson, let us enter the classom, by the raft of knowledge in the sea of history Mr. Wu, who has weathered the wind and waves in forei countes, is usually divided into three parts. First, let's go to the first part, a talent show.

Although the performance time is only five or six minutes, it is enough to let the dience see all the exercises they have done on the stage.




"Knowledge is power" we know that knowledge is very important in this society. Now we study many subjects, such as Chinese English physi, so history is my favote subject, bee it is the most interesting subject. But I find it difficult to learn history.

If you ask which subject is the most difficult to remember, I will answer history. I can learn one very useful subject I'd rather study history than geography bee I can learn a lot fm many histocal figes.




My favote class is history, bee my childhood history stoes are very interesting. My grandparents often tell me the important nts in history in middle school. We have history lessons.

Some of my clasates think history is bong and there are many things to remember, but it is very difficult for them. If you are interested, I have different views, you will find that I like China easily Most of o countes have a long history, so there are many interesting stoes. My history teacher is very interesting and knowledgeable.

He always makes his lessons lively and interesting. I like his lessons very much.



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