
发布时间:2024-04-06 14:17:06 阅读:8 点赞:0

关于”我兴趣爱好用“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My hobbies use。以下是关于我兴趣爱好用六级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My hobbies use

I have a lot of hobbies, such as reading, skating, watching TV, but reading is my favote hobbit reading. There are three reasons: first, books intduce me to a new world. The world is colorful, and there is no limitation of time and .

Thugh reading, I can trace back to ancient Ept, the cradle of human civilization. It can bng itself to the United States. Second, books intduce me to the United States Reading can give me a new vision.

In the past few years, most of my knowledge has come fm books I have learned fm many people about the ideas of science, politi, life and society. Third, reading bdges the gap beeen my dream and my goal of success. In my fute career, I must constantly read, think and practice.

Reading has become a part of my life. I will spend some time reading books, newspapers and magazines ry day. At night, without a novel, it would be difficult for me to go to the steep mountain ad.





I have a wide range of interests and hobbies. I like to do a lot of things in my spare time. I am a person who loves reading.

I often read vaous books and newspapers in my spare time. I like the stoes and news. I have a lot of knowledge and interesting things.

I am also a music lover. I like all kinds of music pgrams on the radio that I often listen to. Although I can't sing English songs well, I like it very much I also like sports.

I often play bton after class in the afternoon. I often run when I do sports in the morning. I overcome all my wores and wores.

In short, sports can me exercise. I like my life in school. Reading, listening to music and doing sports are very ful to my health and study.




Dear secretary general, I am very glad to see yo information about the bot competition to be held in o city. Now I am wting to you to apply for the position of volunteer participating in the competition. When I was very young, I showed great interest in playing bot toys.

As I grew older, I became and cuous and interested in bots. I was very fascinated with bots. I spent all my spare time and desiing some model bots.

Some of them won pzes in invention competitions held by o school or other departments in o city They are pud. I am studying in a middle school in o city. Dung the summer vacation, I can spare some time to pvide some s for the competition.

On the other hand, if I have the chance to participate in the competition, I can ench my expeence and knowledge in bot desi.



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