
发布时间:2024-02-11 06:02:43 阅读:112 点赞:0

关于”如何看待热“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How to treat heat。以下是关于如何看待热考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to treat heat

Now, many people choose to study abad instead of studying at home. This is my suggestion. We all know that studying abad has many advantages.

We will have a good envinment to learn the language. We can ench oselves and have a greater vision. Moreover, the la technolo can be easily learned by us.

As an English saying goes, "coin has o sides" There are some shortcomings in learning. Many of us are too young and have no expeence in life, and n feel lonely that they can't study well. What's worse, the cost is too high for ry family to afford.

Studying abad is a fast and good way to succeed. Howr, this is not the only way for you to work hard. No matter where you are, you will find it The ad to success, so just beli in yoself and move on=.




Every year, millions of Chinese college students take the postgraduate entrance examination, mainly 's degree students. They have formed a large-scale industry thugh years of hard self-education, or spending a lot of money to study in local training schools, publish relevant learning mateals and pvide online and offline training pjects. A worrying fact about this upsge is that most students are not willing to psue graduate students.

Faced with the sre reality of the employment , many college graduates find that the employment is always looking for graduates with higher education. Graduate school is a good way to avoid unemployment and enhance the competitiveness of fute job ting. Howr, without this voluntary initiative, most graduate students have no motivation, and the only thing that matters is that they expect a degree or diploma to give them the upper hand over other job seekers.

As for the actual content of their postgraduate study, this is not a big deal for them. As long as they can get that degree or diploma, they can see that the motivation of students with ulteor motives is not to love what they have learned, but to just find a job. In many cases, this may have nothing to do with what they have learned.

The chilling fact is that students will soon find that their expectation is just a dream. Becse so many undergraduates enter graduate studies, the employment situation is still gm. Although there is no obvious competitive advantage, o or three years of additional academic training is only a waste of time and ener.

They need to reflect on this upsge. When they are still undergraduates, the most important thing is that they have to reflect on this upsge Good to stand out with excellent knowledge and skills.





Now and people like all kinds of certificates, whether he or she is in college or not. When my fend saw a man in his forties sitting next to her to wte an accounting report, she was spsed why they were so addicted to certificates. First of all, thugh certificate work, college students can acquire knowledge and skills.

Besides their own majors, certificates, opportunities for students, they must pvide better jobs Therefore, students choose certificate jobs, such as CET-4 or cap. Second, if people want to be pmoted, the company needs pfessional staff to meet the needs of company dlopment or social dlopment. Third, some college students, like me, want to live a meaningful and fruitful university life.

As far as I am concerned, we should choose the apppate certificate work In this way, we can save time to dlop o practical ability.



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