
发布时间:2023-04-05 03:29:10 阅读:88 点赞:0

关于”在影响最大同学“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:In the most influential students。以下是关于在影响最大同学xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In the most influential students

Desertification is a global pblem, which has a seous impact on biodiversity, ecological secuty, poverty eradication, socio-economic stability and sustainable dlopment. Dand has become fragile, and the impact on human beings, animal huandry and the envinment may have devastating consequences. In the next few years, due to desertification, millions of people may be displaced.

Although desertification has played an important le in human history, leading to the collapse of sral great empires and the displacement of local people, today, the rate of desertification is estimated to be ice as fast as that in history, and about 2 billion people depend on dand ecos. In many underdloped countes, overpopulation has csed presse on the dlopment of dand farming, which is located in the border of these areas When the ral land is unable to feed the local population, the land is exhsted and the gundwater is over exploited. As a result, a large number of migrants migrate to ban areas.

It is expected that the increase in the frequency and sty of dught csed by climate change may fther aggravate desertification.




^There is a good thing to mention. When Harry Steele came, he had dinner in a restaant. Harry worked in a law firm a few years ago, but now he works in a bank with a high salary, but he always borws money fm his fends and nr pays back.

When Harry saw me, he came and sat at the same table. He nr borwed money fm me. He was eating.

I asked him to lend it to me & and to my spse, he gave me the money ght away. "I nr borwed money fm you," said Harry. "Now you can pay for my dinner.".





Imagination is the idea of the power to a picte in yo mind. Creative imagination, you use yo imagination to the image you want to be clear, and then one thing to be realized, you continue to pay attention to this thought or picte, give it positive ener, until it finally becomes o great imagination, becse imagination can make human beings better than other species, i We can and discover new theorems. If we don't have imagination, we will not have any dlopment and pgress.

Einstein can discover relativity becse he can keep a childlike imagination in the fall of an apple. While imagining a scientific discovery, the geocentc force is due to imagination. According to the crent scientific inference, the earliest human imagination is fire, o ancestor He had been eaten raw by animals for a long time.

A forest fire csed by lightning destyed many animals. O ancestors also ran thugh some bned animals in the forest. Becse he was too gry, he only ate those bned animals.

It was delicious. Cooked food can make the body absorb nuttion better. On the other hand, animal parasites in the body can also be csed by fire Use it to kill, thus reducing.



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