
发布时间:2023-06-29 09:09:37 阅读:75 点赞:0

关于”求一篇我好老师题目“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Ask a question about my good teacher。以下是关于求一篇我好老师题目xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ask a question about my good teacher

Wei, the teacher of English, thinks that the best way for us to solve the pblem of English is to bng some apples to o class Tell me their name in English, you can eat fruit. "All the students listen carefully and study hard. Even some people stand up and answer questions.

After class, the fruit is eaten. I am and interested in English. What I want to say is fm the heart.




Today, I'm going to focus on some of the personality traits of people that my readers call their favote teachers, some of the personality traits mentioned by many people. If you want to be a great teacher, we can call them the pmary personality traits of a great teacher. These are the first personality traits you should start cultivating today.

I will focus on my readers' favote charactesti If you want to be a great teacher, we can call it the pmary character charactesti of a great teacher. These are the things you should start to cultivate. The great teacher inspires me.

Nr let me be satiied with any compassion, care, which is lower than my best. Let me feel very important and happy Welcome, the requirement of establishing personal contact with me. I work hard, have a stng sense of humor, have a stng understanding of the subject.

I'm not afraid of other people's thinking about other details. My enthusia for the topic inspires me to think. It's not just the answers in the textbook.

Listen to my ideas and teach me new things. A great fundraiser makes things interesting. They are interactive.

The personal elements orized in the classom are not false Or shallow, confident evaluation of students' discipline, they are pblem solvers, not pblem recoizers.




In my opinion, a good teacher should be someone who speaks Btish English or Amecan English, not Chinese English, becse if a teacher's accent is very heavy, his students will be embarrassed in the fute. This is the first thing we should care about. The second thing is that he has a clss skill.

I beli no one wants to have a bong lesson, so a good teacher should be humous, so his students will be embarrassed Students can enjoy his lessons, but it's not important. I think the important thing is that a good teacher nr overemphasizes grammar. He will teach us to communicate with foreiers, not imitate with examples.

This is my English teacher's idea, I think what I wte is not difficult to achi.



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