
发布时间:2024-04-14 17:59:35 阅读:41 点赞:0

关于”新年到了要送同学礼物“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:When the new year comes, we should give gifts to o clasates。以下是关于新年到了要送同学礼物中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:When the new year comes, we should give gifts to o clasates

"My clasate": my clasate Liu Kai is my clasate. He is a good student. One day, he is willing to others on the way to school.

He saw a little girl css the ad. A car was flying towards her. The girl was so scared that the car almost hit her.

At this time, Liu Kai rushed to grab her arm and the little girl was saved. She told him where she lived and when he took her home Liu Kai hed into the classom. The teacher had already started his class.

He told the teacher why he was late, and then Liu Kai praised what he had done.




Father's Day is coming. What should we buy for o dear father? No, I think it's bong. Why not buy a camera sounds good, but it's really expensive.

We can't afford it. Is there any cheap gift? We can buy a Tennessee one. Although it's cheap, it's too cheap.

Of cose, if yo father likes pets, it's a good way to keep a pet, but it's not easy to take care of it. The perfect gift for dad is us My father will also like the gifts that I have made. I hope my father likes yo best gift.

I hope yo love will be and .




Happy Spng Festival. After having Chinese New Year's Eve with o family, we be to sit in fnt of the TV and enjoyed the Spng Festival Gala of at about 10 o'clock. The dark sky was illuminated by colorful fireworks.

We stopped watching Spng Festival Gala, and be to climb onto the balcony to see the betiful fireworks. My father took some fireworks, and we also started to set off fireworks. What a betiful night In the ning, my mobile phone was nging all the time.

I received messages fm many fends and clasates. They all wished me a happy new year. I gave them the same blessing.

In the afternoon, I sent a new year's wish. When I woke up on the first day of the new year, I be to sleep. My parents gave me o red envelopes, wishing me rything would be OK.

I thank them and happily accept the red envelope. I have been waiting for a day when I can get a lot of red envelopes. This is the hst time of my year.

My family went to the park and the street. We took a lot of photos in the shops or supers in the park. I bought a lot of things in the shops or supers.

I met my uncles and nts. They all wished us a happy new year and gave me red envelopes. I'm so happy.

I can't count how many red envelopes I received in the next few days. We visited my grandparents and some relatives. We talked to them happily, bught them some gifts, and received some new year gifts.

That's how I spent my Spng Festival. I really enjoyed my Spng Festival.




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