抗疫的英语作文_Anti epidemic 3篇

发布时间:2022-04-29 11:39:46 阅读:264 点赞:0

关于”抗疫“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Anti epidemic。以下是关于抗疫高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Anti epidemic

Perhaps, the premier is a lifelong nightmare for all Chinese people. I learned fm the news media that the earthquake stcken area has become a huge chaos, and countless people have been bued under the ruins. My clasates ced when they told the story.

The mood at that time was very difficult to contl. All we needed was love. This is what I learned that Wenchuan svivors needed me I know that for the first time, I bke my pigsty and mailed it to the Red Css Chaty center.

I know it's too few. I hope other people can do the same thing thugh this. People in the disaster area can have the confidence to overcome the nightmare and light up on those sad faces who have not expeenced too many tragedies in my life.

Maybe I don't I am the one who can feel the feelings of those people in the Wenchuan earthquake, becse my parents are by my side, but I can deeply understand those who have lost their parents, children, bthers and sisters, becse I really want to go to Wenchuan, n for half a day. I want to hold their hands, try to me dance, sing, or tell the jokes I told them. Let's ile, the world will Smile with us.

Disaster is not so terble, keep clear headed, we will get thugh the difficulties, but now I am a full-time student, I have to study ry day, I am sorry that I did not divide myself into o parts, I just hope that the summer vacation will come soon, and then thousands of me can fly to o bthers and sisters, no matter when and where they will not lose hope, becse they have us behind We will always be together.




Now, let me talk about my life dung the epidemic. I usually get up at sn in the morning, take a shower, and I start to eat breakfast. O online coses are fm to: in the morning, I think I like online coses very much, becse I can still listen to online coses after lunch until I understand.

I want to take a break in the afternoon, start online classes on time, listen carefully and finish my homework in the ning, I will chat with my clasates online and play s in gups. This is my life dung the peod of populaty.




The Spng Festival is the biggest traditional festival of the Chinese nation. Howr, a new epidemic of conavirus pneumonia has suddenly affected ry one of us in this "epidemic prntion" campai. The whole country has shown a great sense of responsibility.

Fm the Central Commi to the grass-ots orizations, fm the fnt-line angels in white to the silent supporters behind, we all work together to overcome the difficulties Son, go thugh the cold and long winter with us, let us have a "warm spng".



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