
发布时间:2023-12-11 13:33:39 阅读:34 点赞:0

关于”写给老师“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Wte it to the teacher。以下是关于写给老师初中英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte it to the teacher

Dear teacher, I have something to tell you. Maybe you think I don't like English at all, but I'm sorry to tell you that you are wng. I like English very much, but I think it's hard for me to remember this word.

I'm sorry, sad. Would you like to take care of yoself for me.




Love can't forget each other. Thank you, like a candle, for all yo study and enthusia for life. It can be summed up in o words, that is, the person who bns can make difficult things easy is an educated person.

I deeply appreciate what you have done. We like you to be o teacher, we respect you and appreciate you. In the festival, I will teach me how to wte with my teacher, My child's teacher thanks you for teaching me a happy Teacher's day.

Thank you for lighting up a lamp with yo own life to light up my life's joney. I'm very grateful to you. Let me stde over the mountains, acss the tbulent River, and sweep thugh the waves I wish you a happy Teacher's day, dear teacher, after a busy year, yo festival is coming again, students want to say you: iore when you will always be my teacher.




Dear teacher, you are the spng rain that moistens o hearts. The love and care you give us will inspire us to go thugh a long and arduous joney. Yo coses are still ful to me.

Yo words are still fresh and warm. You have deeply affected my life. You are still my best teacher.

I sincerely thank you, dear teacher. On the joney of life, you have kindled hope for me Light, what you have done enches my mind and badens my vision. Today I sincerely extend my high respect to you.



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