到的英语笔记整理_Notes on arrival 4篇

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关于”到笔记整理“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Notes on arval。以下是关于到笔记整理雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Notes on arval

I have a bamboo tree in my heart. Many young women do not have cultal pgress, pmotion, pgress, pmotion and strenening. I do not agree with the above statement.

In my opinion, both early and modern technological inventions have made great changes in human life. We should not say that earlier or later technolo is important. Agree with .

With sth.




More and young students go abad becse they want to get better education and find better jobs in the fute. I think they may have pblems both in study and in life. In order to get a better education and find a better job in the fute, young students may have pblems in their study and life.

Going abad is to get a better education and find a better job in the fute. Do you have a box on the table with a cover beside it? Yes, it should be able to do / may do / this is necessary We can go wherr we want to go with o bicycles we can de o bikes to any place we like to stop global warming, o government should enact new laws to regulate the felling of trees to cb global warming, o government must enact new laws to regulate the felling of trees. There were people last night Mder the millie → last night the millie was mdered to impve the air quality, we should reduce the use of pvate cars → in order to impve the air quality, we should reduce the use of pvate cars → most people think that we can get a lot of pfits in sales activities → people generally beli that we can get great benefits in sales activities.

Countes nd the world work together to contl sofare Piracy is very important → countes nd the world work together to contl sofare piracy. It's important to look forward to her coming back. I'm not se whether college graduates will find a job in a difficult year.

I'm not se whether graduates will find jobs in a difficult year Becse he had the flu, o monitor didn't come today. The flu csed o monitor not to come today. O monitor's absence is due to his lack of disease (if he doesn't know that illiterate is (unable to read / cannot use faile, and young people celebrate western festivals → and young people celebrate western festivals.





Many students think it is very important to apply for a job after graduation. They think it will affect their life path, their circle of fends and n their choice of spouse in the fute. The following o suggestions are the first to consider when you are looking for a job.

You should have a sense of self, especially yo personal interests. Generally speaking, yo interests pvide the motivation and ener for yo work. If you have no interest in the work, you will certainly be bored with it, n if it is a high salary second, you should understand the job itself and the job you are looking for It should not exceed yo ability and it should not be too easy, it should give full play to yo ability to work.

Too difficult may only lead to frustration and faile to work, too easy, but it will waste yo knowledge, you will soon lose interest. In addition, you should consider the pspect of the job, you will have a bght fute, if you accept this job, don't be paid the crent salary In view of its fute dlopment, it is important to balance the immediate advantages with the long-term pspects of yo job. At this point, you'd better tn to yo parents and yo teachers.

If you can't make a decision, they are the people who know you best. You can also consult some career s, who are usually expeenced and can give you some valuable suggestions. Of cose, it's up to you yoself Make the final decision.




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