
发布时间:2024-03-23 04:06:49 阅读:12 点赞:0

关于”写友谊“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Wte fendship。以下是关于写友谊六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte fendship

Fendship is a kind of relationship beeen people. It is the instinct to establish fendship beeen people. When we meet with difficulties, we need to encoage o fends to share o happiness and support.

Fendship is also one of the grea pleases we can enjoy. It means loyalty, sincety, compassion, affection and preparation. In order to anyone make the most of his life, if he knows how valuable fendship is, we should be very careful when fends.

Real fends are those who are good-nated, capable and kind-hearted. Real fends can share all o sorws. When fends, we should pay attention to selecting those who have such excellent qualities.

Then we should treat o fends politely. We should not interfere with them unreasonably or lgh at their behavior. We should forgive their faile, And do o best to them, we have established a fendship, we must chesh and chesh, only in this way, we can dlop true fendship, so that the sacred lamp of fendship will be on for a lifetime.

What is fendship? To communicate with a person who doesn't need money or objective conditions requires emotion. Too much wealth is fendship. No matter what their backgund, age, gender or personality, we all hear that fendship can be pe.

Howr, now, how can we be deceived by fends? Many people get along well becse they have a lot of money. A fend is a true fendship. With a fend, you can find happiness.

Fends will you thugh difficulties or at least comfort you when you are happy. They share with you and they are there to chat with you at any time. It's a wonderful feeling.

As the saying goes, "it's easy to fall in love, but it's hard to make fends". So, I think it's very important for us to get along with fends. It's a shame to cheat yo fends if you are full of fendship now More betiful and sentimental fedes.






Fendship a life without fends is a life without sun. Fendship is one of the most important things in ryone's life. Fends are those who change yo life only by being a part of life.

He makes you beli that there is really something betiful in the world. He can make you beli that there is an open door waiting for you to open when you are down and fends are when you are lost Wait for you, fends guide you, cheer for you, so chesh yo fends, do not leave yo love words to them before their death, do not wte them on their totones, but say it now.




Fendship in college is important than at any time in o lives. First of all, this is a good time for us to make as many fends as possible and form a specific neork for o fute dlopment. In most cases, this may be very useful.

Second, we may face a lot of team cooperation in the University, and the fendship here is also very important, becse we can better communicate and cooperate with o fends. Therefore, college fends are very important not only in the college age, but also in o fute.



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