
发布时间:2024-02-08 09:06:03 阅读:835 点赞:0

关于”穿靴子猫观后感“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:A cat in Boots。以下是关于穿靴子猫观后感小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A cat in Boots

Even if you want to travel to the center of the earth, I beli not many people would think that if it was to go to another country, especially a popular toist destination, then I beli ryone would like to, n if it was a popular shopping destination, such as Dubai Shopping Festival or Malaysia Sale. Of cose, you will find a lot of people, n travel will make us big Most people are fascinated. You will find that many people travel in outer .

Howr, going to the center of the earth is not the first thing most people think of. You can make this joney very safe. What's exciting is that this movie is three-dimensional.

Although it's based on Jules Verne's popular book, it's biased Creates like dinosas, piranhas, man eating plants (yes, like Peter Jackson, King Kong) and most people will jump out to see you. It's a 3D movie, the stoine / plot is very weak, but 3D effects are bound to be eye opening becse in India I have to wait a while to see the movie, but if you can watch it tell me how it tned out, I remember my mother when I was a child Mom told me that people dig to find its center, but when they heard a scream coming fm below, they stopped and gave up, convinced that they had discovered hell by accident, the scream of the suffeng inhabitants of hell. Later, I learned that the Russians did start digging ding the cold war to get to the center of the earth, and n there were rumors of screaming here, becse the Russians belid they had fallen into hell and gave up digging.

But it tned out that the cks were too hot and they were constantly melting and melting caves, so the excavation could not be cared out, and the Russians had to announce the day For the la news, the Japanese plan to dig to the center of the earth. They plan to dig under the Pacific Ocean becse it's only a few miles thick. Let's see what they're doing.

Until then, we have to rely on Brendan Fraser to take us on the joney to the center of the earth.




I have to say that I like this movie very much. Even though some people think it's a Montana Board commercial for three hos, seeing a movie with almost three hos of no violence, action or is still so good. Redford did make a betiful movie.

There is no dou that Robert is a good director. The film is well made, but nr interesting Yes, there's no chemistry beeen the characters. To be honest, it's too long.

At first, I didn't think Radford could credibly play Tom Booker becse he was so much younger after watching the movie. Now I realize that it's really no big deal. It's all good.

The new ending is better than this book. In the movie: who in their ght brain will take a wounded horse acss thousands of miles acss Ameca, and the st and most affordable thing is to shoot it and simply buy a new one. If you're not a crazy horseman, you don't have to worry about watching this movie.




"Puss in boots come to three sworden", this is "Puss in boots". After expeencing a sees of great adventes, the swordan puss has embarked on a new joney. At this time, he came to a vast and maificent desolation.

When he was galloping away by a horse, but stopped by a gup of armed soldiers, the swordan booted cat was bught into a maificent and solemn palace and saw ole Bella, a pncess in Gangzhou, fwned and gd. It tned out that the melting heart of fire Ruby on her head was stolen fm French this. In the pcess of whispeng, the guards cght the thief, three pensioners, and three super innocent kittens came, but the pncess and the guards.



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