介绍熊猫的英语作文_Introduce Panda 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-03 05:04:37 阅读:136 点赞:0

关于”介绍熊猫“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Intduce Panda。以下是关于介绍熊猫专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce Panda

Kung Fu Panda is about a lazy and disrespectful panda named Bao. He is the biggest fan of Kung Fu. When he works in the noodle shop at home ry day, he doesn't use it.

Unexpectedly, he chooses an ancient pphecy. Under the leadership of his and , Bao joins the Kung Fu World and joins the legendary five tigers, cranes, mantis, vipers and monkeys But before they realize it, talon, a vengeful and treacheus snow leopard, has begun to come to them. Bao wants to ptect ryone fm the coming threat.

Can he tn his dream of becoming a kung fu into reality? A Bao puts his heart and waistline into this task, and the unlikely he finally finds out that he is the biggest Weakness is his grea stren.




We all know that panda is a special animal in the world. When we see panda, it can also represent China: lovely, lovely, fendly, especially children like it. Howr, according to research, at present, the number of pandas is rapidly decreasing, not only becse of envinmental pblems, but also becse of some bad Hunter behavior.

In order to ptect o precious and lovely panda, we should work together and try o best to ptect this lovely animal ^ ^ ^: the panda has a und body, like a ball, the color is black and white, and the eyes are black, Most pandas living in Pvence, Sichuan love bamboo, and they love climbing trees..




A study by scientists in the Qinling Mountains in Northwest China shows that China's endangered giant pandas have been threatened by slow repduction and rapid habitat loss, and now they are also at sk of losing their staple food bamboo, a team fm the United States and China warned in the jonal international sis of natal climate change that with global warming, about one fifth of them are "Unless they can find alternative food resoces, pandas may face food shortages." In envinmental ptection work, giant panda is a picky eater. Percent of its diet is made up of up to kilos of bamboo a day. This means that the svival of this iconic black-and-white bear is closely related to its lush bamboo habitat.

According to a statement of the study, the researchers predicted that three kinds of bamboo would make up almost all of the food for giant pandas in Qinling Mountains. The results showed that almost all of the giant panda habitats in the area would disappear by the end of the centy, "said the thor of the study The calculations are based on the international panel on climate Change) predicts that by the end of the centy, temperates will se by 2 ° C to 5 ° C in summer and 3 ° C to 8 ° C in winter. These forecasts are checked with rainfall and greenhouse gas emission data and histocal gwth patterns to consider the fute of bamboo, where deforestation is threatening the svival of about half of the world's bamboo species.

The distbution of bamboo has histocally fluctuated with modern climate changes, and while other regions have become suitable for bamboo gwth, these will be remote, outside the crent neork of giant panda reserves, the researchers said. The results should be used to "actively plan to ptect areas where there is a better climate opportunity to pvide adequate food soces, or to start building natal 'bdges' to allow the giant panda to escape the bamboo famine," the thors wte.



这意味着这只标志黑白熊生存与繁茂竹子栖息地密切相关。竹子身繁殖率也很低,每到年才开花一次,这就意味着它根据这项研究一份声明,研究人员根据为这项研究收集数据,三种竹子几乎构成了秦岭大熊猫全部食物,结果表明,到世纪末,该地区几乎所有大熊猫栖息地都可能消失,“这项研究作者写道,这些计算是基于间气候变化专门委员会(international Panel on Climate Change),到世纪末,夏季气温将上升2℃至5℃,冬季为3°C至8°C这些与降雨量和温室气体排放数据以及历史增长模式进行了核对,以考虑竹子未来,森林砍伐正威胁着全世界大约一半竹子物种生存。研究人员说,竹子分布在历史上一直随着现代气候变化而波动,尽管其他地区气候变得更适合竹子生长,这些将是遥远,不在目前大熊猫保护区网络之外。


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