
发布时间:2023-12-06 09:56:49 阅读:49 点赞:0

关于”介绍家庭成员“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Intduce family members。以下是关于介绍家庭成员小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce family members

My family I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. My mother, my father and my father are businesen.

He sells comrs. He is a good man. He is not good at talking.

He was very busy last week. He flew to London and I told him to bng me some interesting things. But when he came home, he didn't bng anything.

I was very angry, but he said he bought me some snacks and books for me when he flew back to the city City, on the street, he met a poor girl who didn't have enough money to go to school. She begged on the street. My father gave her snacks and books and some money, so I had nothing, but I was also glad that I was pud of my father.




My father, I have a happy family. There are three people in o family. My mother, my father and my father are businesen.

He sells comrs. He is a good man. He is not good at talking.

He was very busy last week. He flew to London and I told him to bng me some interesting things. But when he came home, he didn't bng anything.

I was very angry, but he said he bought me some snacks and books for me when he flew back to the city On the street, he met a poor girl who didn't have enough money to go to school. She begged on the street. My father gave her snacks and books and some money, so I had nothing, but I was also happy that I was pud of my father.




My father, I have a happy family. There are three people in o family. My mother, my father and my father are businesen.

He sells comrs. He is a good man. He is not good at talking.

He was very busy last week. He flew to London and I told him to bng me some interesting things. But when he came home, he didn't bng anything.

I was very angry, but he said he bought me some snacks and books for me when he flew back to the city On the street, he met a poor girl who didn't have enough money to go to school. She begged on the street. My father gave her snacks and books and some money, so I had nothing, but I was also happy that I was pud of my father.



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