
发布时间:2024-04-15 07:55:28 阅读:36 点赞:0

关于”旅游业缺点“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Disadvantages of Toi。以下是关于旅游业缺点专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Disadvantages of Toi

I have to admit that my life has changed a lot in recent years. Since I took part in distance education, I often go home fm work to relax. Most of the time, I will sit on the sofa and watch TV.

Sometimes I will spend an ning with my fends, whether it is eating in a restaant, singing in a KTV, or going to a teahouse. At the end of the first semester of University, I feel that To my diay, I failed o of my five coses. I realized I couldn't waste any time.

I made a study plan and followed it stctly. Now I usually spend the ning watching coseware or doing homework, although sometimes I feel very tired after work, I continue my plan, I beli my efforts will pay off in the end.





In China, and people like to travel on holidays. The other day I read a report about the way people spend their holidays. It is reported that in recent years, they have dloped some new holiday habits.

The most interesting one is the gwth of the so-called holiday camp. Fm the report, we can see that% of the people stay at home for holiday, but now the pportion has dpped to%. More people go out to play, camp and travel abad.

When camping in the subbs, percent of the people like to go to the seaside, and Only% of the people like to go to the seaside. What big changes have taken place? I think there are sral reasons for these changes. First, the second reason is that people have the ability to travel.

Third, people prefer to psue high-quality and colorful life. Their relaxed attitude has changed. People don't want to save a lot of money thugh life.

Today, people's living standard is big Greatly increased by%%%.




At present, the vast majoty of pduction mateals are solved thugh the , and gradually formed an operation mechani based on regulation. A large number of domestic enterpses with diversified logisti entities have realized the importance of logisti. They have stepped out of the shackles of the planning , established logisti parks, logisti centers and distbution centers, and cooperated with international well-known enterpses We have taken the lead in explong the modern logisti industry.

We have taken the lead in forming a socialized and pfessional industry team. The logisti industry has achid unprecedented dlopment.



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