
发布时间:2023-06-29 02:32:32 阅读:111 点赞:0

关于”用家人职业“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Family career。以下是关于用家人职业小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Family career

As a child at home, a student of XX school, I often go to school by bus becse it is convenient and safe. Howr, taking the bus is not as convenient for my father as he is a businesan. He needs to go to other companies to find my mother in a short time.

A housewife who only needs to buy things in the nearby super. Walking is a good choice for my uncle and I. My nt is a factory worker.

They usually like to go to work by bike becse it is envinmentally fendly and cheap.




2:家庭事业,When asked about their views on career and family, people's answers are always different. Some people think that psuing career is important, while others think that family should be the first in life. There is no dou that career plays a key le in o life.

Career can give us a goal without career. Most of o life time will certainly be wasted . Career can pvide us with a means of life.

Most people earn money by working. On the other hand, family is an indispensable part of life, becse many people will Admit that family has always been regarded as a place we can escape fm. Besides, we can get a sense of belonging fm family.

In my opinion, ryone will feel lonely and desperate. Career and family are not antagonistic. They can pmote each other and make their life better and better.

Therefore, this is not a ght or wng choice, but beeen ideal and reality.




3:用家人职业,I don't speak English very fluently, but I'm not stupid. I just hate learning English. For me, learning English is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Howr, I will try my best to pve my English. I hope you, my teacher, please beli me, I will pve what I mean, I can pve what I mean, I can do the same thing, what I do.



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