
发布时间:2023-01-31 00:51:12 阅读:130 点赞:0

关于”感恩节由来“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Thanksgiving Day 。以下是关于感恩节由来初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated on different days in Canada, the United States and some Cabbean islands. In Canada, Thanksgiving is on the second Monday in October, and in the United States it is on the foth Thsday in November. The settlers or pilgms sailed to the United States on the Mayflower, seeking of worship after o months of stormy sailing in November.

Now Plymouth, Massachusetts, than half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemi. The svivors be sowing in the first spng, and they waited anxiously all summer With the harvest, they knew that their lives and the fute svival of the colony depended on the coming harvest. In the end, the yield of the field exceeded people's expectation.

Therefore, they decided to set a day to thank God in a few years. The president of the United States declared the foth Thsday of November as Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving celebrations continue to this day.




When Eopeans first came to today's Amecan continent, Indians gave them necessities of life, tght them how to t, fish and plant, in order to thank the local people. Eopeans invited them to celebrate God's day, which is the ogin of Thanksgiving.




Thanksgiving Day is an ancient festival d by the Amecan people, and it is also a festival for Amecan gathengs. At first, there was no fixed date for Thanksgiving. It was decided by the States after the independence of the United States.

President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving as a national holiday. In the United States Congress, the foth Thsday in November was officially desiated as "thanksgiving". The Thanksgiving holiday usually lasts fm Thsday to Sunday.

The Canadian Parliament announced November 6 as Thanksgiving Day and became a national holiday in the following years. The date of Thanksgiving has changed many times until the Canadian Parliament announced that the second Monday in October is the Thanksgiving Day in January. Besides the United States and Canada, Ept, Greece and other countes have their own special Thanksgiving Day in the world, but Btain, France and other Eopean countes have their own special Thanksgiving Day Some scholars pposed to set up "thanksgiving" to pmote traditional culte.



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