
发布时间:2023-01-19 00:50:51 阅读:94 点赞:0

关于”家庭中有趣事情“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Interesting things in the family。以下是关于家庭中有趣事情初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Interesting things in the family

Mother is very important in the family. Mother is the most important person for children. No one will love you than yo mother.

Mother is also very important. She can take good care of the family and keep the home clean and comfortable.




With the deepening of social aging, there are and empty people, which has become a social pblem that can not be iored. When children run away fm home due to work, study, marage and other reasons, the middle-aged parents will stay at home, the empty people will pduce symptoms of mental disorders, known as the empty family's emptyness syndme Emptynesters can have a good life after retirement, especially those in the city. Most of them live in the same city with their children so that they can meet frequently.

In addition, they can also participate in a vaety of gup activities. Some middle-aged people go to university for fther study, while others join chorus or other public activities thugh these activities. The empty can eliminate loneliness and realize their own value.

In ral areas, the situation is getting worse and worse. Most young people work in the city, leaving their elderly parents at home to take care of themselves. The elderly have a lot less activities.

They are busy with farm work all day, and some old people take care of their grandchildren. This is the main task of the ral elderly. Fm the above descption, we can see that some old people can live a good life But it is o responsibility to take care of o parents.

O care is what they really need in their life. So, no matter how busy you are, remember to care about them and talk to them often.


随着社会老龄化程度加深,空虚人越来越多,这已经成为一个不可忽视社会问题,当子女因工作、学习、婚姻等原因离家出走,将中年父母留在家中,空虚者会产生精神障碍症状,被称为家庭Emptynessyndme emptynesters可以在退休后过上很好生活,尤其是在城市里那些人,他们大多数都和孩子住在同一个城市里,这样他们就可以经常见面。此外,他们还可以参加各种各样团体活动,一些中年人上老年大学深造,另一些人通过这些活动加入合唱团或其他一些公共服务活动,空虚者可以消除孤独,实现自己价值。在农村,情况越来越糟,大多数年轻人在城市工作,把年迈父母留在家里照顾自己,老年人活动少了很多,他们整天忙于农活,还有一些老人照顾孙子孙女,这是农村老年人主要任务,从上面描述中我们可以知道,有些老人可以活得很好美好生活虽然空虚,但照顾父母是我们责任,我们关心是他们生活中真正需要。



Toll gate of toll ad: one is to face a all window and send out a card, which should last for many years. Chef of school can: always bn big stalls and chicken leg bn year. Author: tn aund, I still cultivate inspiration.

I didn't eat breakfast for o weeks. Sgeon: I just went to sleep and immediately asked me to do three hos of sgery, and let the store sell it at least once a week: pduct compason It's hard to sell. I have to go to work and sit at the door in the afternoon.

No one comes today. Yesterday bus dver: I don't open yo order. I've been running a pet shop for three years.

Clerk: I've been doing a good business. I've been listening to the dog barking for a long time. I've been listening to the staff for a year.

I have to go to work in o nights. I have to go to work the next day. The key is that there is still an ho on the way.

It's been a month.



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