
发布时间:2023-01-21 17:13:03 阅读:113 点赞:0

关于”表扬学生“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Praise students。以下是关于表扬学生小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Praise students

The hostess is going to have a party to entertain guests at home. She was very busy early in the morning, dusting the fnite, mopping the floor, cleaning the tables, chairs and windows. She was so tired that her back ached, and the swseat on her forehead ped.

She didn't clean the house until dusk. Looking at the clean and tidy living om, she was relid and iling. The guests want to put a bunch of flowers in the vase.

As soon as the hostess entered the living om, she rushed to the door to meet the guests. They were attracted by the flowers and were overjoyed. They cheered and exclaimed: "Oh, what a betiful flower", "how bght and fragrant it is." once you look at it, "life is full of fun".

Then they continue to thank the hostess with an embarrassed ile I'm glad you like it. Thank you for yo compliment. I'm a little spsed.

I did make detailed arrangements for yo honor. I've been busy cleaning and wiping the flowers in the vase all day. It's a piece of cake.

I just raised my hand. Now you don't know my efforts and highly praise my easiest effort. It's beyond my expectation http://wwwyinuzuowenbacn/yan/htm.





Life is to find o ght place in life and society when we are cticized or praised. It is always important for us to learn to accept them selectively, so that they will not deviate fm o view of oselves, that is, who we think we are and what kind of people we want to be, and they are ful to o fute dlopment. To be se, no one likes to be ransacked, let alone harshly attacked in the head.

That's where things get tcky: it's yo nate to hate ctici, but it's wise to take a moment to think before people cticize, whether they're fair, whether they're trying to give sincere advice, or after they've asked these questions, they just go out After careful consideration of selfish motives, we can judge whether these cticis are constructive or not, accept those that are not so pleasant but beneficial, and give up the rest.




In such a culte as China, few people worry about the impact of praise. Too much praise will inflate. Self praise is a powerful form of encoagement.

For example, mothers praise their preschool children for their good behavior, their children have better social skills, and praising yo child's intelligence or talent will impve his self-esteem, motivate him and convey unrealistic High standards of praise can be a soce of stress and discomfort for children.



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