
发布时间:2022-09-24 01:34:09 阅读:131 点赞:0

关于”国际货代“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:International Freight Forwarder。以下是关于国际货代专升英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:International Freight Forwarder

With the economic dlopment of western countes, the drug pblem is becoming and seous. Many young people take drugs. They think that drugs can bng them great happiness.

In fact, many young people die of drug abuse. Everyone should stay away fm drugs. This year is international anti drug day, which reminds people to love life, refuse to take drugs, be cuous about drugs, think they can contl themselves, so they try to desty their lives ntually.

There are many examples to show that when people taste drugs, they can get d of drugs, and no one can escape the nightmare. Everyone has lost their self. Everyone must be aware of the danger of drug abuse and nr be cuous about it.

There are many ways of entertainment, such as traveling nd the world or reading books. When we have knowledge, we don't feel empty. We can find a colorful world by acquing knowledge.





The 12th Beijing International Auto Show (12th) will be held fm Apl to May. The Beijing to show has once again become a high-ll exhibition expected by the Chinese and forei to industry. Auto companies fm many countes and regions will kick off the global to show on Monday.

Multinational companies will participate in this to show, showing the world's first cars, all fm multinational companies, as well as concept cars and new ener Although China is the largest tomobile in the world, China has not yet established a stng domestic tomobile industry. As imported cars and joint vente brands still account for the largest part of the share, the models pduced by domestic tomobile manufacters made their debut at this to show. Despite a large number of local exhibitors, the domestic tomobile industry is steadily losing share in China Victoa Beckham, Liu Yan and Guo Jingjing attended the to show.

In addition to cars, the scene of car models has become the focus of attention. Some n jokingly claimed that they tend to see the models fm the to show, and it seems that they have let the style of car models overshadow the cars.




International freight forwarder liability ysis practice: China's third party logisti of international freight forwarders, shipping mament, international freight forwarders should implement rnue mament as soon as possible, China's water transport liability insance , sk prntion of international freight forwarders, international economic and trade research, China's water transport countes International freight forwarder liability insance research: Jonal of Qingdao Ocean Shipping College International Cargo Transportation: Pblems and Countermeases: Discussion on the identity of freight forwarder in Jonal of international trade: Jonal of Qingdao Ocean Shipping College. A study on the liability of Freight Forwarders: Jonal of Tianjin Polytechnic College, ctea for judging the legal status of International Freight Forwarders: shipping mament, .



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