
发布时间:2024-03-19 03:01:23 阅读:34 点赞:0

关于”描写海滩“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Descbe the beach。以下是关于描写海滩小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Descbe the beach

I live in a city close to the beach, so I can go to the beach ry morning. The atmosphere in the afternoon is very different. The beach is quiet in the morning and the wind is very comfortable.

But in the afternoon, the beach is very busy and many people walk along the coast. So I always want to see the beach last night. I asked my fends to go to the beach, and there are still many people swimming at about o'clock Swimming, the family is enjoying the comfortable wind.

I looked at the sky and found that on my back were full of stars and colorful lights, which made the beach a betiful picte. I like the beach at night.




I like the beach very much. Every summer I go to the beach. There is a all beach near my hometown.

In summer, many people go to the beach. They go swimming and play with their fends. I will ask my bther to go there with me.

We play hide and seek . I feel very happy on the beach.




It was really cold at home in winter, so my parents took me abad. We went to a warm place where there was a betiful beach. When I saw the beach for the first time, the water there was so clean and the sky was blue.

We went to the hotel and took all the luggage. Many foreiers were enjoying the sun. I rushed to the beach and took some interesting pictes I swam for a while and my parents watched me lie on the beach and enjoy the wonderful moments of my hometown like ryone else.



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