
发布时间:2024-03-04 04:36:14 阅读:112 点赞:0

关于”一篇未来“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A fute。以下是关于一篇未来xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A fute

One day's life is sn o'clock in the morning. When I woke up in Apl, my wife was still sleeping. I was in a hry to go to Tianjin for an important meeting.

I told my bot to prepare breakfast. When I came out of the bathom, I went to take a bath. My breakfast was ready on the dining table.

I ate the food and felt that I was still alive. I liked my wife better than the bot I cook. I hope she can teach o bot how to cook bertratt.

At 7:30, I walked out of the villa and took out my office. I set the destination and the arval time, and then I started working for the meeting. The traffic has changed beyond people's imagination.

You don't need to worry about traffic jams or traffic accidents. Although you can't see the traffic lights on the highway or the police cars dving at the speed of kilometers per ho are all comr pgrammed. ② the meeting is over, I'm tired Come out to breathe the fresh air of spng.

The flowers are fragrant and the birds are singing. My mind goes back to many years ago, when the government was busy dloping the economy and didn't pay attention to the polluted envinment, air, water and mane animals. But now rything has changed.

All the factoes have moved to undergund chimneys and become an afternoon pastime. I flew to Lanzhou to see Mr. Tom Peterson, who is in charge of the Immigration Center.

I went into a bety salon My tp to Lanzhou was short but fruitful. Tom said that if my health examination passed, my wife and I could go to the moon. I immediately called my wife and told her the good news fm a all screen.

I could see that she was as excited as I was. When I got the call, I was n overjoyed to welcome me home to my wife's delicious dinner.





In a inkling of an eye, the school is no longer an ordinary school. Like my son, please listen to my intduction. The fute of the school is a school neork.

Each classom is square meters, and the desktop size of each class is 7 square meters. There is a senior "Golden Eagle" comr teacher speaking Chinese lessons. Students only need to look at the comr becse of the meaning and words the teacher said As long as the comr hears the sound and the teacher uses the "brain", you don't have to do it yoself.

The comr can save you money. Students don't need to take notes in the textbooks. Blackboard, textbooks and other learning mateals are out of date.

Students can also answer questions thugh the comr, which is convenient for math class Again, the comr will immediately appear on the screen of the many mathematical pblems, you can answer on the comr, if you do not have a pblem, the comr can teach you, you can learn to teach so far, if you do, click the "confirm" on the keyboard, the comr will tell you what is ght, what can not take art class, students will have convenience, you not only have to draw Class, yo homework is also very convenient, you can wte on the comr, when you do not pay attention, the comr will tell you, "wte good intention" at the same time, teachers can also draw on the comr, they can n let the comr draw how betiful the fute of the school is, the fute is how happy the children will be.




I have a dream that I will always be young, and then I will have enough ener to do whatr I want to do, and I don't have to worry about my old age, I can't n take care of myself. I know my dream will not come true, but I think I am lucky to be young now, so I will chesh my time, enjoy my life and do rything I can to do well.



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