有关肢体语言的英语作文_About body language 4篇

发布时间:2022-07-02 01:32:00 阅读:6432 点赞:0

关于”有关肢体语言“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:About body language。以下是关于有关肢体语言八级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About body language

My favote animal is panda, they are very cute, they are lazy, also like to eat bamboo. They are national treases, so we must ptect them. You know, Jingjing, the Olympic mascot, is a panda.

I like it very much, and they only have o colors: black and white. Maybe you think it's too , but I think the st one is that I like pandas. Do you like them.




Parallel) no pblem too big, no business too all (IBM) repeat) extra flavor no extra caloes "extra" rhyme) go to sun and fun "," sun and fun "opposite) choice is yos, honor is os", "imitation) give me green world, or give me yesterday", "Patck Henry" give me , or give me death "metaphor) light Unlike me, my Rolex nr needs to rest. Rolex exaggerates) we've hidden a vegetable garden where you'll nr expect to make a deal with us in a pie "Pun" that means a good thing for you Trade "deal", "good deal", "inically, if someone keeps telling you to quit oking, don't listen to them, they may be trying to tck you into living", "contrast) the outdoor land is fzen to 3 feet deep, and the indoor is warm and comfortable, such as spng", "outdoor", "indoor", "fzen", "warm and comfortable" (cooperative pnciple) " (IDA - attention, interest, desire, action "(quality ctea) light as the wind, soft as the cloud, soft, charming, the color of a ile - it's a gift to focus on yo hair." "flowers speak fm the bottom of yo heart" ("flowers" and "talk.") (quantity rule) we hide a vegetable garden where you'll nr expect pie( She wants to put her tongue in yo mouth.




As time goes by, candy has become a fashion for children in recent years. Its taste is fresh, leaving a wonderful feeling to s. They loved this kind of expense when they were young.

Yes, no one will recall their past, becse they liked sweets in their childhood. This means that their love for candy comes fm their childhood concern, One thing we will nr forget is that after a delicious dessert, no matter who you are, there is one thing you can't do by brushing yo teeth.



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