
发布时间:2024-02-21 11:22:52 阅读:19 点赞:0

关于”最开心一天三百词“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The hst day 300 words。以下是关于最开心一天三百词高一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The hst day 300 words

Summer vacation, my parents and I, as well as my fends, went to the forest park to play, the sea of people, very lively, my good fend and I are like birds chirping stop, always jump fm the distance to the grass, the grass is green, very betiful, I found that there are many grasshoppers on the grass, I prepared bottles to catch grasshoppers, suddenly, I saw a very betiful grasshopper flying fm my side Once, I was a flutteng grasshopper. My mother who flew away said with a ile, "a grasshopper is a stupid grasshopper, you can't catch it." I put the grasshopper next to my grandmother. When I fluttered, the grasshopper cght me.

I cght a lot of grasshoppers in the bottle. They were fighting.




Summer vacation, my parents and I, as well as my fends, went to the forest park to play, the sea of people, very lively, my good fend and I are like birds chirping stop, always jump fm the distance to the grass, the grass is green, very betiful, I found that there are many grasshoppers on the grass, I prepared bottles to catch grasshoppers, suddenly, I saw a very betiful grasshopper flying fm my side Once, I was a flutteng grasshopper. My mother who flew away said with a ile, "a grasshopper is a stupid grasshopper, you can't catch it." I put the grasshopper next to my grandmother. When I fluttered, the grasshopper cght me.

I cght a lot of grasshoppers in the bottle. They were fighting.




"Happy ry day" to the national day of this short speech to bng you happiness, I like the only pe hope in life, like the color of the years fm now on, will like to accompany my gup of fends, I wish you all happy, happy ry day, enjoy yo ry day.



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