
发布时间:2023-07-16 05:34:06 阅读:39 点赞:0

关于”写我最喜欢一天“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Wte about my favote day。以下是关于写我最喜欢一天xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte about my favote day

It's Sunday. It's sunny. I don't go to school.

I want to go shopping. I get up in the morning. I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast.

I go out near the store. I walk there. Many people in the store.

I buy a pencil: I go home for lunch. I have some vegetables and meat for lunch. I read in the afternoon.

I have some supper. I have noodles and fruit. I do my homework.

Then I watch TV, I play on the comr, I lie in bed listening to the radio, I have a very happy day, I am very busy, just like yesterday morning went to school to wte a composition: this afternoon to learn English, I have entered the "work" tense state, becse I am: sketch to learn it, art school, the teacher came to my position, I took a picte, let me follow copy, the painting of the upper ght corner There is an apple on the left and a pot next to the apple. This is a piece of cake. I want to use HB pencil to draw the shape I want, and then draw it clearly.

It will complete the outline. I only changed 2B pencil, started to draw back the basic color, and then used eraser, and then I added the color of 4B pencil We will continue with the general adjustment. After I check the backgund again, James starts to draw what I drew.

Fm a teacher, she told me that ry time I draw, a good-looking teacher s me to draw some important backgund and frame outline, and let me use a o-tone colong to make my eraser that I didn't notice When I used the eraser, I found that it was "lying down". My legs were on the chair and I bent over to pick it up. Howr, an oil painting in fnt of me was also knocked down by a wave.

I quickly ed them. Before the legislation was made, I was confused by a teacher on the spot. She came to me quickly.

Not only was it free, I finally finished the score of painting, the teacher told me The teacher changed the place I drew and checked me again. I had to go back to the classom in frustration. After checking, I thought we could know that I went to the teacher again.




My day is hello. My name is Zhai Tianlin. I usually get up at six o'clock in the morning, becse the early bird catches the worm.

I always have breakfast at 6:30. I have eggs for breakfast. I walk to school at 7:00.

I have fo classes fm 8:00. I have lunch at school at 12:00. I usually have eggs and noodles for lunch.

I have five classes after school in the afternoon. I often have dinner in the restrant. It's very good.

I get home at six o'clock After I did my homework, I read books for a long time. I went to bed at about nine o'clock. I had a busy day, but I was very happy.




My day today is Monday. I get up for breakfast, then clean the om, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast.

I'm at school. I do morning exercises. We have fo classes in the morning.

I'm gry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed.

We have three classes at noon. In the afternoon, I have comr class and art class. I like them very much.

I go home after school to do my homework. My sister se and I watch TV at night After I wash my face, brush my teeth and sleep.



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