总结的英语单词_Summarized words 4篇

发布时间:2022-07-05 03:28:42 阅读:157 点赞:0

关于”总结单词“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Summazed words。以下是关于总结单词初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Summazed words

The story of Charlie and cw early in the morning, the little cw obeyed Diao Lai to fertilize outside the school branch ad, and the big meat station thought with great pde: "I must have absorbed the lesson of o generations this time, and I will nr cheat Charlie any ." at this time, little Charlie came out of the tree in the hole and stretched out his hand. As soon as he looked up, he found the cw with meat in his mouth on the tree, and he did not say how happy he was A revolution is brewing in my eyes. Cw, the gratitude and resentment of o o families are over.

My grandfather cheated yo grandfather of a piece of fat meat with banana oil. The matter has passed, and they all died. But my father gave yo family a big scolding, using the stimulation tck, yo father worked hard to find meat to eat.

After all, it also regretted later Young cw, cw, people often say that the best choice is to get along well with each other in the neighborhood. If the enemy should solve the pblem of gratitude and resentment, it should not be formed. For o generations, let it be the cw who looks at "little Charlie but doesn't see", but o o families "don't go".

As soon as the little cw landed, he said slowly. At that time, little Charlie came back Head, in the delivery of the meat fell down into the stomach, touched the oil, secretly blinked, said to the little cw: but "little cw, you are also vigilant, you really add a joke to yo family this time, ha ha.".




This passage tells us that Monty Roberts has always belid that he did not give up his dream, and finally succeeded in owning a ranch for a person. Faith always plays an important le in his / her life. As the saying goes, anyone with firm belief can enjoy a colorful life as long as he has the will.

Beethoven is in the last year of his life, although he did not Having heard her own betiful music, the famous scientist Madame Cue also set a good example for Mary to discover a new element in pitchblende. In order to impve her discovery ability, Mary and her huand worked hard and finally saw the dim blue light of the new element radium. Fm my personal point of view, her dream has been realized.

It can be seen that one of them has People with stng faith are likely to succeed and take contl of their own lives.




In this paper, the thor points out that some well-known cultal generalization is distorted and may be a disadvantage rather than a good one. When researchers insist on interpreting different customs and cultes on the basis of gups rather than individuals, they must learn fm them. He / she cites the examples of Spain, Malaysia, Chile and other countes.

Russia's customs and culte neglect these differences, which may give se to some pblems People bng tuble, especially when these observations are wng on the basis.



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