关于书法的英语作文_Calligraphy 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-30 05:50:51 阅读:942 点赞:0



China's calligraphy is the essence of China's culte. It has dloped into a special art of high quality, besides satiying the needs of daily wting. For thousands of years, if China's shop is ch in commerce, it will look elet if it decorates some elet cultal calligraphy works.

The study and bedom can be decorated as an art work. Calligraphy is special. The words are wtten on ce paper, which absorb ink well, and then hang on the wall.




In o country, calligraphy has always been regarded as one of the most important arts. We have advocated practicing calligraphy since we were young, bee we can get some benefits fm it. Obviously, practicing calligraphy is very ful to impve o calligraphy ll.

Second, it can us to settle down and soften o emotions when we are anxious or upset. Practicing calligraphy can calm us down and become rational, so that we will not do impulsive things. Practicing calligraphy is a good way to impve o appreciation ability by practicing different kinds of books Law, we can understand the charactesti of vaous calligraphy, compare with each other, learn to appreciate, in short, we can cultivate a good aesthetic vision, practice calligraphy is absolutely beneficial, and we can learn to practice calligraphy persistently, bee it requires a lot of persrance and persrance.




If you can pick out a few paragraphs fm the following article, youth is not a peod of life, it is a state of mind, not a ruddy cheek, red lips and soft knees, but a will, a kind of imagination, emotional vitality. Youth means that coage is better than timidity, and the desire for advente is better than ease. This often exists in a humble boy.

We should let go Abandon yo ideals and gw old. Years may wnkle the skin, but to give up enthusia wnkles the soul. Worry, fear, and lack of self-confidence can distort the soul.

Whether there is a acle in ryone's heart or not, the undying childlike desire for the next step, and the joy of the in yo and my heart, there is a radio station: as long as it receives fm human beings and Infinite messages of bety, hope, joy, coage and power. When the antenna is down, you and I will remain young. Yo soul will be covered by the ice of cynici and pessimi.

Then you will gw old. Even if yo antenna can catch the waves of optimi, I hope you have a young heart.



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