
发布时间:2023-05-22 00:48:48 阅读:284 点赞:0

关于”体育节宣传海报“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Sports Festival posters。以下是关于体育节宣传海报xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sports Festival posters

Physical and mental recreation, physical recreation and intellectual activities are the o main ways of o leise time, but some people are interested in both. Most of us also have better ways to spend o time. Sports activities can bng us many benefits.

They pvide us with opportunities to strenen o bodies and meet o competitive nate of activities, including participation Intense sports, such as running and inating, jogging or golf. We can choose whether to enjoy these activities as part of a team, such as the bowling team, or psue them alone, rather than spend a quiet afternoon fishing for physical recreation. It pvides welcome and necessary rest for o sedentary life and reminds us to pay attention to us There are also many benefits to mental activities, such as reading a good book, listening to a favote record, or going to the theatre.

These activities can to restore o mental pcesses. This kind of recovery can be a stimulation of mental preparation and innovation, a tranquilizer, or a temporary escape fm the presse of daily life. Intellectual psuit is often regarded as an isolated nt, such as stamp collecting, but there are also some collective activities that are obviously intellectual activities: chess s or poetry societies are o examples.

I prefer the balance of these o activities to pvide the physical conditions and mental stimulation I need to face in my daily work. Sports and entertainment are necessary for physical health, but intellectual psuit like reading stoes pvides the grea please.




September, the golden sun shining on the earth, with the grand and meaningful firecrackers, my school ushered in the tumn s of all students face full of ile, I feel very excited, the students all came to the school happily, athletes one by one energetic, full of confidence, they work hard on the playgund, try their best to "fight", all hope to be able to For their own class to win good results "come on" other students in the class also thw the ball, cheerleaders sound louder than one, loudspeakers seem to be on the way to participate in the , some insping fuel, some ways is bottled water, and the whole pcess, athletes also recorded the athletes recommended by teachers, cheeng for the athletes, lghing and sweating In the water, the Universiade is coming to an end, and the short three-day sports meeting is coming to an end. With the athletes fighting bravely, the dience cheers in unison. The cheerleading team waves the flag and shouts this cry, which is filled with the fragrance of fendship.

This number combines the power of responsibility. Howr, whether we succeed or fail, whether we lgh or cry, we will always remember it A day of fighting.




Merry Chstmas. This is the last day before Chstmas. The sisters in the big shop are busy.

An old lady is choosing gloves in fnt of a counter. The red one is for her dghter-in-law, the light blue one is for her niece, the pink one is for her granddghter, and the green one is for her sister. When she finds what she wants, the counter is full of clothes of vaous colors and sizes.

When the saleswoman finally finished wting the bill and was about to tn to the next customer, she said wealy, "thank you very much, ma'am." the old lady suddenly called out, "Oh, I almost forgot." "what else can I do for you?" "Madam," the girl said, "yes," the old lady be, "I want to buy another pair, but I'm not se what clothes I should buy. I want to know if you can me." "of cose, madam," the girl replied. What she asked for was a pair of gloves for a girl of her age.

She had no idea what color to choose, and there was a pblem with the pattern. The girl with tired teeth ted her best to the old lady make up her mind and showed her all kinds of gloves. Finally, the selected gloves were wrapped and paid for.

When the girl was about to tn to the next customer, the old lady handed her a all package and said, "now, honey, these are for you. Thank you for yo patience. I really hope you have a happy Chstmas.".




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