关于敬老院的英语作文_home of respect for the aged 4篇

发布时间:2022-07-11 03:04:11 阅读:109 点赞:0

关于”敬老院“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:home of respect for the aged。以下是关于敬老院初二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:home of respect for the aged

Mary, I got up early becse I was too excited to sleep in the morning. O volunteers bught some flowers and fresh fruits to the happy sanatoum. We also sent o best wishes to them.

Then we cleaned the windows and swept the floor for them. Then we did some activities for them, such as singing and dancing, one of us Some of us read newspapers for them, some of us talked to volunteers as they left, and they appreciated o kindness. Fm this meaningful activity, I found that we should care for the elderly and respect them in o daily life.

We should give them seats on the bus. We should be fendly to o grandparents. If you have the opportunity to come to China, I hope you can join us Li Hua.




Mary, I got up early becse I was too excited to sleep in the morning. O volunteers bught some flowers and fresh fruits to the happy sanatoum. We also sent o best wishes to them.

Then we cleaned the windows and swept the floor for them. Then we did some activities for them, such as singing and dancing, one of us Some of us read newspapers for them, some of us talked to volunteers as they left, and they appreciated o kindness. Fm this meaningful activity, I found that we should care for the elderly and respect them in o daily life.

We should give them seats on the bus. We should be fendly to o grandparents. If you have the opportunity to come to China, I hope you can join us Li Hua.




Today, we all stepped out of the campus with o clasates, and prepared to visit the "grandfather" and "grandmother" in the nsing home with all gifts. When the cold wind blew to the students, we all be to get goose bumps. What's , we walked thugh one There are sral ckees and a pavilion on the third floor.

We can see that many old people are sitting quietly. When we are nervous and happy, we suddenly show a kind ile on the faces of grandparents. The students immediately become active.

Some grandfather carry, some grandma rub their feet, and others the elders act badly The students were very excited, n some students n came to the om to visit their grandparents, but the time to send you my heartfelt blessing and gift of love is always short. We want to say goodbye to o grandparents. We reluctantly left the nsing home.

Some grandparents also seemed to be in fnt of us. When they sent us to the door, their eyes were filled with happiness and gratitude These elderly people live in nsing homes, it seems good, the envinment sounds good, but ry night they miss their families, very sad, no family care, now very poor, in my eyes, like a lonely old man, weak and innocent birds, they need , care and love, and considerate, but it is not so Enough, we need people and things to a better home for the old people all over the world. I will let them know that they have no relatives, but better than their relatives, they still care about them, love them, them and understand them.



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