
发布时间:2024-01-29 17:45:45 阅读:52 点赞:0

关于”有谚语“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:There are pverbs。以下是关于有谚语考研英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:There are pverbs

A good beginning is half of success tell me, I will forget to show it to me, I may not remember to let me try, I will understand / / don't let yesterday exhsted too much today, a fall into the pit, a harvest in yo wisdom fox may tn grey, but nr good.




It's like knowing that it's a poor mouse with only one hole. The dream is a lie. Don't teach the fish to swim.

A relaxed heart can live long. An apple a day keeps doctors away fm poverty. It's a stranger's thoughtful advice to industry.

Take action immediately. Open the door for another person. One's meat is another's poison.

He's not se. He sits too high. People who don't respect him say so Although it's sunny, don't leave yo cloak at home, so that the world won't swing all of a sudden.

Happiness and worry free is believing that a good beginning is half of success. Time flies in Rome and will nr be remembered, just like the all potato chips made by the Romans to light a fire.




If you fall into the abyss and yo intelligence gws, the fox may tn grey, but you will nr have a good fend when you need it. Indeed, it is easier to lose a fend than to find a fend. Until one needs a fend without flts, he will not be found out.

"After you" is polite. A good beginning is half success. A good beginning is a good ending.



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