关于重阳节的英语作文_Double Ninth Festival 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-19 10:20:43 阅读:128 点赞:0

关于”重阳节“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Double Ninth Festival。以下是关于重阳节六级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Double Ninth Festival

Since then, the Chinese government has decided to make Chonang Festival the old people's day. Every year, government units, gups and communities oze an tumn outing for retirees at the waterfnt and in the mountains. The elderly will find themselves integrated into nate, and the younger generation will bng the older ones to the subbs or give them gifts.




The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is a traditional Chinese festival. The celebrations are vaous and mantic, including climbing mountains, appreciating chrysanthemums, weang Cornus officinalis and eating Chonang cakes. Nine has the same pnunciation as the Chinese character "Nine".

It is a long word and the biggest character. Therefore, it shows that since ancient times, there have been many poems and works praising the Double Ninth Festival and chrysanthemum. People also beli that mountaineeng can dve away bad luck.

China has desiated September 9 as the elderly's day, which combines the traditional and modern skillfully, tning it into respect, care, care and A festival to the elderly.




The ninth day of the ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the traditional Double Ninth Festival, also known as the Double Ninth Festival. In an ancient and mysteous book of changes or the book of changes, people think that "6" is Yin, meaning negative or negative, and "9" is considered to be Yang, which means masculine or positive. Therefore, the number nine of the month and day s the Double Ninth Festival, or the Double Ninth Festival also has the meaning of "Double Ninth" in Chinese Chonang and "forr" have the same pnunciation, both are "Jiu Jiu".

Chinese ancestors beli that this is an spicious day worthy of celebration. This is why the ancient Chinese be to celebrate this festival long ago, and the custom of climbing high to avoid epidemic diseases has also been handed down. The Chonang Festival is also known as "Climbing Festival".

The height that people should reach is usually a mountain or a tower Literary figes still leave many poems descbing this activity. People still flock to famous mountains or unknown mountains on this day. On this day, people will eat Chonang cake (or cake, "high" and "high" have the same pnunciation.

There is no fixed method for Chonang cake, but the super cake will have nine layers, which looks like a tower. The Double Ninth Festival is also in full bloom At that time, there are many kinds of chrysanthemums in China. Chrysanthemums and people have loved chrysanthemums since ancient times.

So appreciating flowers and appreciating flowers has become an important activity of this festival. People will dnk chrysanthemum wine. Women are used to ing chrysanthemum in their hair or hanging branches on windows or doors to avoid evil.

Since then, the Chinese government has decided that Chonang Festival is the old people's day. Every year, all government units, government agencies and street communities will oze an tumn to, so that those who retire fm the water or on the mountain will find themselves integrated into nate. On this day, the younger generation will take the older ones to the subbs or give them presents.



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