慰问信的简单范文_The simplicity of the letter of condolence 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-26 02:21:21 阅读:129 点赞:0

关于”问信简单“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The simplicity of the letter of condolence。以下是关于问信简单八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The simplicity of the letter of condolence

Dear Amy, I'm Li Hua fm Xinhua Middle School in China. I'm sorry to hear that you have lung cancer, which has bught great pain to you. But you should realize that you are still young and have a bght fute.

Stand up and fight against the disease. I beli you will win. It is reported that the Amecan anti cancer association will donate three cents to ry letter you receive, so I will tell me all about you Let them wte to you.

You will get enough money to ce you. I hope you can recover soon,.




Dear victims, the earthquake that happened in Sichuan Pvince o weeks ago was a huge disaster for o whole country. Up to now, it has csed economic and life losses. 50000 people have lost their lives in the earthquake.

What's , 5 million people are homeless becse most of the buildings collapsed. We feel sorry for the accident. Many children have lost their parents and many couples have lost their loved ones.

When I heard the news, I couldn't crying. The touching story happened in the disaster. O whole country is a big family, and ry member wants to extend a ing hand to the people in the epicenter of the earthquake.

We must show o enthusia and donate money to the disaster area Since the earthquake, they have taken a sees of actions. I beli that the disaster area will soon work with the soldiers to restore other enthusiastic people to the fute bght, and sincerely refuel for you XXX.




When Alice learned that John was ill and in hospital, she expressed her concern. Alice told John that since you are in the hospital, you don't need to worry about yo work, you should relax, so that we can recover quickly. We are thinking about him and wish him a speedy recovery.

If there is any need for , though it is in good order, don't worry.



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