
发布时间:2024-03-15 07:27:20 阅读:88 点赞:0

关于”对比两个人“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Compare o people。以下是关于对比两个人xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Compare o people

As my huand and I celebrated o wedding anniversary at o favote restaant, Lenny, the pianist, asked, "how do you do that?" I know there's no easy answer, but as the weekend appaches, one reason I want to know may be o habit of having breakfast in bed on Satdays and Sundays. It all started with the breakfast tray my mother gave us as a wedding gift. It has a glass top and slatted wooden side pocket for the morning paper, as you can see in the movie.

Mother loves her movies, although she rarely eats breakfast in bed, and she has high hopes for her dghter. My beloved gom keeps this sentence in mind - guilty, and I suggest we take tns, despite complaining about "hate the cru in my bed" - Sunday morning My spouse is eagerly waiting for his plate. Soon, these weekend breakfasts became a part of o lives, and I nr n thought about them.

All I know is that we chesh this separated, happy time, read books, relax, and forget the things we should remember - as time goes by, I remember how o weekends changed, but we still keep us as new parents and start a family We sleep than we read after breakfast, but we always find a way back to where we started, one on Satday and one on Sunday - when we had time, my tray became festive, first with fruit slices arranged in geometc patterns, then flowers in the garden, and sometimes only one flower fm gfruit It's sputing. My arranger dloped a gift for decoration. My huand said that my cooking inspired him.

My huand said that my cooking inspired his mother. Maybe on Satday, when big strawberes were weang a daisy cap, I be to think, on a dark winter night, I woke up to see a snowman standing on a tray. That Sunday, I shoveled a handful of snow, and soon I put a little pine cone on his head - when I delivered the tray, along with a fzen snowman, I waited and didn't react, but when I went down the stairs, I heard a lgh, and then, "you won, yes, first born, you won" --.





Tree planting day today is tree planting day. As soon as we get to Zhao's house, we plant trees as soon as we arve. Some people are digging holes, some are planting trees, and others are wateng.

We all know that trees are very useful to human beings. Planting trees means saving human beings. We all work very hard.

When the sun goes down, we get home. Although we are tired, we feel very happy.




A: Hello, B, nice to meet you. B: nice to meet you. I'm fine, thanks.

What are you going to do? B: Ernie is going to the can to eat noodles. A: noodles are like tools. B: that's great.

What fruit do you like? I like bananas. It's ch. Let's go.

B: no pblem.


A: 你好,B,很高兴见到你B:很高兴见到你。很好,谢谢。你打算做什么B:埃尼要去食堂吃面条A:面条像工具一样,一起吃B:那是greati还想买水果什么水果喜欢A:mabye apple,因为它很甜B:对我来说我喜欢吃香蕉,它很丰富那么我们走吧B:没问题。

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