
发布时间:2023-10-21 01:23:50 阅读:46 点赞:0

关于”课感想与体会“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Thoughts and expeence of class。以下是关于课感想与体会四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thoughts and expeence of class

Dear XXX, Hello, I'm wang Lini, recently retned to o hometown. There are many tall buildings in o hometown. There are many high-se buildings on both sides of the street.

There are sral bdges. Now it is easy for us to travel fm one place to another. Everyone has his own car.

Life is becoming and colorful. Many people travel to other places dung their holidays. We can eat a lot of forei food in the restaants there.

We can better communicate with fends fm other countes. The national sun on the Internet is coming into ryone's life and bnging you warmth and happiness.






English is important now, but it is very difficult for many students to learn. I put forward some suggestions. Maybe I can you first.

You should take notes when you are free. You can take them out and read them. You should read English aloud.

Many students know a lot of grammar, but it is very difficult to talk to others. What's important is that it can impve yo oral and listening ability, and it can also make you excited, so that you have a good day to talk with people in English It's interesting and very useful. Last but not least, try yo best to learn English.

It's easy and fruitless. I hope you can impve yo English.




As shown in the figes / percentages in the table / fige, it goes without saying that there are at least o good reasons for the sharp se / fall in the table, the sharp se / fall in the table, and the in to in. On the one hand, it is due to the fact on the other hand, there may be other reasons to explain, but generally speaking, the above reasons are generally belid to be convincing. As far as I am concerned, I think my view is Yes, and there are good reasons to pve that yo address is mm / DD / mm / DD / yyyy the address of the receiver.

Dear, I am very glad to hear that you and I would like to wte a letter to tell you that I will be very grateful for yo early reply / I look forward to yo reply at yo earliest convenience. I wish you health and success. There are and sincere you now.

There are sral reasons why there are so many. First, in addition to this, the third is to summaze the main reasons. It is for one thing to do something for another.

These meases will certainly reduce the number of this topic. ① recently, it is becoming and popular. There are o aspects that some people say a is their favote.

Why do they hold this view In fact, there are some other reasons that can explain my choice. The former is definitely a wise choice. Some people think that B is a better choice.

For example, there are three reasons for B In my opinion, I have nr thought that this reason can be the focus of one thing. For another, I agree with this idea.



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