
发布时间:2023-02-15 11:40:52 阅读:85 点赞:0

关于”一个无聊周末“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A bong weekend。以下是关于一个无聊周末小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A bong weekend

Travel is usually bong. In China, places of interest are always overcwded. In the golden week, the situation may be n worse.

Imagine that you are in line, gry and anxious. All you want is a ticket to see the betiful scenery thugh the door. You may complain: why am I in a terble place? Why should I do this to myself? If you're not lucky, you may run into a bad guide who forces you to shop nd.

What's worse, you may spend than usual. Why don't you stay at home and enjoy a comfortable life? You don't need to go out to see the scenery. You just need to tn on the TV or comr, and the wonderful scenery will be presented to you.

You can not only save a lot of money, but also save valuable time. You can also do other things, such as watching a classic movie, chatting with fends on the phone or sfing the Internet. It's going to be fun, so I'd rather stay at home and go outside.





Today is Sunday. My father and I went to see my uncle at the traffic lights in the morning. We saw a traffic accident.

We were waiting for the traffic lights. A motorcycle ran a red light. Fortunately, it hit a car.

The dver slowed down. He just fell off the car. He could stand on his own.

But the accident csed traffic jam. I hope the dvers can follow the traffic rules dve a car.




Work banishes three evils: boredom, depravity, and poverty (Voltaire, French philosopher);.



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