
发布时间:2023-05-19 10:43:43 阅读:66 点赞:0

关于”以志愿者想要为题“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Ask volunteers what they want。以下是关于以志愿者想要为题专升英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ask volunteers what they want

As a community volunteer, my clasates and I go to the shelter ry other Satday afternoon to us do what we can. There are many old people and children who can't go home for the time being. Old people often feel lonely and less.

Some of us read newspapers for them ry day and chat with their spitual partners. Some of us play s with o children. Some of us with cleaning.

People think highly of us. They say that we are willing to others. I feel very satiied.

When others need , I can me. I hope students can join us, becse there are many People need o . The we contbute, the better o society will become 5eaaaf,.





In recent years, voluntee has spread among the Chinese people, especially among the youth. According to the svey, there are actually about volunteers serving the Olympic Games. In China, and people become volunteers ry year.

Volunteeng has great benefits for people in need and for society. As we all know, the Olympic Games is a good example. Volunteers have played an active le in the Beijing Olympic Games without volunteers.

It is an arduous task to host this unprecedented Olympic Games. Therefore, we can say that it is these volunteers who have ensed the success of the Olympic Games as modern university students. We should learn how to participate in volunteer activities and learn how to How to do a good job in a team and how to impve o interpersonal and orizational skills are very important to o people's gwth, so we should take this opportunity to learn and dlop language) volunteers there are many good people in ry country to others.

For example, some high school students and college students in the United States often do their work in hospitals, orphas or homes for the aged Yes, they read to people in these places, or just visit them or listen to their pblems. Other young volunteers go to the homes of sick or old people to paint, clean or repair, buy houses, shop, mow lawns for boys who no longer have fathers. There's an orization called "old bthers." college students and other men take these boys to play basketball or go fishing tps to them understand what boys usually learn fm their fathers.

Some cities have many boys and Girls' clubs can go to play s or learn crafts. Some clubs show movies or orize short tps to mountains, beaches, museums or other interesting places. Most of these clubs use a lot of high school students and college students as volunteers becse they are young enough to remember the pblems of young boys and girls.

Volunteers beli that the hst people in the world are those who others bng happiness.




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